When the ranks of the annointed keep swelling further, as they have already started to do, then they will come out with new light about the 144,000 being a symbolic number.
Why come out with more "new light" when they can simply stop publishing a number? They have committed themselves to believing/teaching that the 144k is literal - since the beginning of their existence. To state the opposite now would invite confusion and mass questioning. Not to mention that it would likely require the retooling of other major doctrines.
The WTS controls the information that is delivered to the r&f. Now that the anointed number means nothing, they will likely do away with the reporting of it. The constant ~8k figure has been embarrassing. Even I was embarrassed of it when I was 'in.' This may be the last year we see the official count of the anointed. IMO, after the memorial this year, there will no longer be a head count of partakers - in print that is. The only way I can see them continuing to print the count is if it remains steady or drops. If it increases substantially, they will have to drop it.
On another related note, the anointed count was the other carrot. It was taught for decades that there would be anointed left on earth when the GT came. The dwindling number(ha!) of anointed, in print, was a visual countdown clock for the r&f. We knew that the 80 year generation - combined with the remaining number of anointed - pointed to the closeness of armageddon. Now, the new generation change means nothing to the r&f. The same also holds true to the anointed count. If the number increases(highly likely that it will), that will only serve to visually indicate to the r&f that armageddon is further off than before. Why would it indicate this? Because it has been so ingrained in the r&f that the anointed numbers would decrease the closer we got to armageddon. Why would you decrease employee morale even further by publishing numbers that would only help to disenfranchise more employees? This is why I feel that the number will simply go away. I'll gladly eat my words at the next 'fest if they continue to publish the number.