Americans talk about 'how exorbitant taxes will have to be' under Universal Health Care and how they "...aren't willing to pay taxes for others health care".
Hmmm. Could it be.......
Don't you know that we need lower taxes because we just put 23" spinner rims on our brand new Hummer2 which is costing us nearly $100 to fill up at the tank and it barely fits in our 4 car heated garage which is attached to our newer 5,000 sq ft home which happens to be in a very prime neighborhood where property taxes are through the roof and the homeowner's association dues are sky high because the illegal Mexicans we hired to do the landscaping we are too lazy to do ourselves are complaining that they could get paid $10 a day more in the next neighborhood across from the country club where our home happens to be located on the 18th hole and our one child cannot attend public schooling because it will look better on his records if he attended that $1500 a month private school which in turn will look even better when we tell him to go to Harvard Law to earn his JD degree which will end up costing us another $400k once he turns 18 and then after he graduates he can buy his own Porsche once he gets hired on at the most prestigious law firm in Boston which will also allow him to buy that little 27ft J class sailboat that he and his other preppy buddies can race around the harbor against other trust fund kiddies whose mommy and daddy own a "small" 10k sq ft "cottage" out on the Cape where they live for only two months out of the year and lock it up for the other 10?
Yeah. I think as Americans, we have some pretty f**ked up priorities. And to think that the previous paragraph is considered the ultimate "American Dream." Makes me want to hurl.