This will help them accomodate the reduction in kigdom halls. with this arrangement there is the ability to have 4 meetings a day on sunday
As was "foretold" years ago, once the WTS feels the cash crunch, they will have to start selling KH's to stay afloat(this isn't just a guess - it is going to happen eventually). It could be that this announcement is primarily for larger cities where there are several congregations colocated in a reachable geographic area. In other words, if a city(including suburbs) has 10 congregations and 5 KH's, the WTS can sell at least 2 KH's and force the congregations to merge or share the remaining KH's. Four congregations per hall is about the maximum. I used to attend a KH in El Cajon, CA where the first Sunday meeting started at 10:00am and the last meeting of the day started at 7:00pm(1 hour in between each). But it wouldn't surprise me to see or hear reports of KH's being sold more frequently. I would also assume that the WTS will try to keep it fairly quiet.