I just learned that one of my grandsons (whom I've never met) will be baptized on Saturday. He will be twelve in November. What's happening within the publishing company to inspire this sort of thing? Len Miller
Baptism at age 11 next Saturday
by Fatfreek 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Good evening Len,
That's not unusual. When my husband was a MS many years ago, the CO encouraged the brothers at the MS/Elders' mtg. with him that parents should direct their children toward the goal of baptism by age 10. Yes! 10.
My husband did not agree. And I'm sure there were others also that didn't, but were not as outspoken as he.
From what I've read here at the forum by those who still attend the mtgs. and assemblies, this is being done all over.
Sad isn't it? How can a 10 year old make that sort of decision? And if they get involved w/"the world" you know the consequences. It sets them up for a horrible childhood - they still have to go to mtgs. and then be shunned by former friends. Kids are going to make mistakes growing into adulthood. With this organization, one is not allowed to have questions (which young people do as they mature)..... Hopefully your grandson will be all right.
Peace, Juni
I know there was an undercurrent here towards waiting until the kid was at least in their teens and had been tested, and the practical ones that didn't want their kid DF'd for a stupid mistake. Of course the thought here is the kid is making the right decision and therefore there is no problem with it at such a young age...dubs are anything but objective.
Douglas Walsh transcript:
Q. I think you did say there was no minimum age for baptism?
A. That is except for infants, and those who are not mentally able to comprehend the meaning of baptism, and its responsibilities.
Q. What is covered by the term "infants'?
A. An infant in arms, baby baptisms with, possibly, a godfather standing in for the child.
Q. But from the age of toddling upwards there is a potential of qualifying for baptism?
A. Yes, under parental instruction.
I have an 11 yr old. She can't decide on what her favorite color is for more than a month. How can an 11 yr old decided on what religion to be for the rest of their life?
The minimum age.... If the "child" is not old enough to say no thanks to the "truth"™ and quit going to meeting,service etc without the parents interfering then they are not old enough to be baptised.
I said this to an elder (relative) of mine and he agreed with me.(in private)
I thought 13 (or was it 15) I can't remember, but I know it was too young. I hope he wasn't told to either get dunked or get out of the house as I was!
keyser soze
I'm not surprised by this. With the ever dwindling intelligence level of the information presented at the meetings and in their publications, the real question should be why would anyone older than 11 dedicate themselves to this religion?
Q. But from the age of toddling upwards there is a potential of qualifying for baptism?
A. Yes, under parental instruction.
I'm guessing this is from some court case, is that right? How ludicrous!
Q. Can your child ride a bike yet?
A. Certainly -- although he's gotta have the training wheels for a few more years. But he can do it all by himself, I'm so proud. We figure the training wheels will go when he's out of diapers.
There's been a big push lately for young ones to get baptized.
I think that since the door to door work isn't bringing in enough recruits fast enough that the baptism growth is coming to a certain extent, from children of JWs.