I have the munchies...
oh gawd. Gumby better hurry.
thank you so much for my gift.... will play it now thanks a trillion.. .
also to anglise,dansk,& quotes a.k.a for the cards i received today!!!!!!!
i am so belssed to receive 130 cards --------thanks everyone!!!
I have the munchies...
oh gawd. Gumby better hurry.
ossie post you said something about the wts and mediator interpretation in another post.
i troed searching for more posts but the search engine wont work tonight for me.so could you tell me.
does the wts think it is a mediator?
I had an epiphany about this mediator thing the other morning in the shower. Next time I see my family or a JW I'm going to ask them if they ended their prayers with "in the name of spiritual Isreal" instead of "in the name of Jesus"?
Well....think about it, the JW's are being told that Spiritual Isreal? is their mediator, then they should pray through their mediator.
a festivus for the rest of us!.
the festivus celebration includes three major components:the festivus pole: during festivus, an unadorned aluminum pole is displayed, apparently in opposition to the commercialization of decorated christmas trees, and because the holiday's creator, frank costanza, "find[s] tinsel distracting.
" local customs have changed and you may be able to decorate your pole with non-threatening plain decorations.
a festivus for the rest of us!.
the festivus celebration includes three major components:the festivus pole: during festivus, an unadorned aluminum pole is displayed, apparently in opposition to the commercialization of decorated christmas trees, and because the holiday's creator, frank costanza, "find[s] tinsel distracting.
" local customs have changed and you may be able to decorate your pole with non-threatening plain decorations.
Happy Festivus, Derrek!
I want to take the religious nonsense out of xmas and just have a winter celebration. That way, religion won't be a dividing factor in the celebrations. So whether Jewish, Hindu, Islamic, Budist, Christian or whatever have a happy winter "insert name of your liking".
hey when the gifts start arriving let us know !!!!
it took over a month for one of my gifts to florida & 3 weeks for the gift i sent to someone in california.... ( lousy u.s.a. post ) lol.
i sent one to england it got there in 10 days???
Got mine and its hanging on the tree. I was told to open it. It is a beautiful glass blown ornament.
I'm trying so hard not to open the presents under the tree. shhhheeeesh. This is hard.
a friend of mine just lost his young 4 year son in a sleigh accident.
the child ( the same age as my young caroline) sledded down the front hill of his property into the path of an on coming school bus.
terrible tragedy.. my wife and i ; who have known them for some time; must attend the service this eveing.
((((Franklin J & Ms. FJ)))))
I'm so sorry. You are right there is nothing to say but just be there for them, no matter how hard it is.
i typed "ray franz" into my wt cd library.
this is what was in the kingdom ministry of august, 1980:.
I thought he was a teenage punk kid.
lol, at the age of 59!
we are so busted.
i learned tonight, from my source, that someon saw our christmas tree and reported it to the elders.. rats, our days of anonymity are likely almost over.
starting tuesday, the local congregation has the circuit and the district overseer, before their ca next weekend.
"Standing right next to the tree deny it is a Christmas tree, obviously with a straight face."
did you know in Russia they don't have "christmas trees" but fur trees they put up for the New Year, lights and all. And YEP, the JW's can put up a fur tree, its up to their conscience. DOH
Mulan, love Dave's reply. What was he drinking when he thought of that? I want some. lol
oh hell, you're free. What a controlling bunch. bah hum bug
i typed "ray franz" into my wt cd library.
this is what was in the kingdom ministry of august, 1980:.
can't get the sentences that are missing stay put on this site. oh well.
i typed "ray franz" into my wt cd library.
this is what was in the kingdom ministry of august, 1980:.
I remember when that article in the Times came out. We had left Bethel in 1976 to start a family. There were other Bethelites that were dismissed (df'd) at the same time, friends of ours. We, of course, could not get any truthful answers from our remaining bethel friends at the time. But Ray's leaving sure did leave a question in our minds like : "WTF was going on!"
Ray was the breath of fresh air as a governing body member while we were at bethel. He emphasized bible reading and not organizational rules. While we were busy raising our family, we would hear rumors that Ray had written 2 books. We also heard that if people read those books they would ?leave the Truth? *gasp*. While we tried to be good dubbies our curiosity was raised as to what Ray had written about.
So yes Mike, his leaving caused a stir in the US but it seem to die down and the WTBTs went forward with their organizational rules, poor treatment of their R & F and the continuing of smoke & mirrors about their doctrines.
It is interesting to re-read that article and remember that a multi-million/gadzillion dollar industry only gave Ray $10,000 when he left. He was a 3rd generation JW, raised a jw, went into full time work right out of high school and was kicked out at 59. So about 40 years of devoted service and he gets ten thousand.