how sad.
Too bad her doctor didn't use her blood he found in her abdomen (autotransfusion) because of "ethical" reasons. hmmmmmmmmm
"Operative reinfusion was considered, but both the patient and her husband refused this modality."
"Intraoperative transfusion was considered in our patient's case but was rejected by the attending physician as unethical."
"When she refused transfusion, her physicians were faced with an ethical dilemma, based on the ethical principles of the Hippocratic Oath and autonomy. Do we do what we believe is in the best interest of the patient (transfuse), or do we abide by the patient's wishes (autonomy)? Her physicians, as well as the hospital ethics committee, believed that autonomy was the overriding ethical principle. "
The article didn't mention how old her other child was, but that was her second pregnancy.