funny I don't remember my last meeting now.
I remember in March of 2001 when I gave my last student talk that it was my last. Somehow I knew I would never be doing that again. It wasn't until the next month that I read CoC, began becoming "weak", "irregular" etc and missed so many meetings do to work or family health problems. I too would sit there and wonder what happened to others who were no longer attending, did they wake up like I did!
At the time I was trying to fade and not get caught because of the mind-control. If I was quiet and good, and hoped they would leave me alone. Now I wish I would have been more vocal about the falsehoods in the organization, the cult-like behavior. I would drop hints but now since I feel I've deprogrammed to the point that I would have done things differently to help wake others up.
*shrugs* I've found that people that don't want to wake up, won't. No matter how much you love them and wish they had their freedom. Lots of people are attracted to that religion for a reason. Its a nice comfortable box to not have to think.