If we apply this suggestion from the W64 4/1 p.195 (below) to the WBTS teachings over the years, the evidence of conflicting and ever changing teachings within the JW org alone shows they are what Matt. 24:11 and other Scriptures describes as FALSE PROPHETS!
- Changed dates: 1914,1925,1975...
- Generation Teaching... 6 changes
- Superior Authorities... see-sawed back and forth teaching--"goverments, Jeh & Jesus, goverments"(?)
- Medical advise...Many
- And so many more...
- Point is: the evidence speeks for itself...like it or not there is no getting around it."FALSE TEACHERS"
- Show me...where it says that God's org--His leaders, would be teaching false doctrine year after year, decade after decade and He would say "yep" that's my Leaders right or wrong you should (or should of been)...FOLLOWing, LISTENing, and OBEYing THEM!!!
W64 4/1 p.195WHEN you were in school, your teachers gave you tests to find out if you were meeting school standards. If you consistently answered questions incorrectly, you failed to pass the test.
What about your religion? When was the last time you put it to the test?Have you tested it in the light of God’s Word, the Bible, to see if it meets God’s standards?
Is that necessary? Yes, because not all religion is good. Said the Christian apostle Paul: “Even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to you as good news something beyond what we declared to you as good news, let him be accursed.” (Gal. 1:8)
Also, Jesus Christ prophesied: “Many false prophets will arise and mislead many.” (Matt. 24:11) So today we find hundreds of religions in the world teaching conflicting doctrines and observing different practices.Because of these many false religions, the inspired Word of God urges: “Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world.”—1 John 4:1.
How can you put your religion to the test? By using the Bible as your measuring rod. That is the rule beside which you can put the doctrines and practices of your religion to see if they measure up to God’s standards