A spirit has no mass. Its spirit. A thought is powerfull enough to create an entire universe in your mind. Spirit is a self thinking thought. Whoa, Im keeping that one!
They dont argue and have a seniority system like you would imagine. More like jackals in a pack. Theres an alfa male and everyone else down the pecking order. Some subserviant like what some uneducated people think a woman should be. And the whole things a feeding frenzy and rape in your mind. You are capable of superhuman strength when your mind has the will to controll the body. Men who can stand freezing temps immerced in ice for hours. With no body core heat loss. Thats what a mere modern man is capable of. You are not your body. Your body is a mere vessel for your spirit. Well guess what? The demons have billions of years of practice in bodies. They can do things to your body you could never attempt.
They want to drown swine when cast out because... One, they dont want to be in swine. Thats like going from a ferrari to the back of a snail in your garden. Two, It feels good to kill yourself as a demon. Theres a saying that reads "Nothing can be too disgusting. Nothing can be too pleasurable.". Are you willing to face the extremes? Can you take it that far? Well, a demon can. He knows he gets to go home when he dies. When there was no man on earth they used to love going into the Dino's. Sometimes being the trex and tasting flesh. And sometimes they would be the prey and feel thier flesh being torn from thier bodies as they feel the pain and watch before the lights finally go out. Oh, that feels sooo good!
They are only trapped if the God of the demons wont let them back in the gate to hell. And no this isnt hell where you go burn. Its another level of reality that we can see. The angels and Jesus are all on a level in heaven. Its the top. The origination of the big bang. The demons are between us.