Enlightening thread. They should be ashamed of themselves! Some people are putting in their grocery money to fund these scam artists.
They are despicable.
yes, i too have wondered how an assembly that is held in a fully paid for assembly hall, with no food service, could possibly have $10,000 in expenses.
i suppose the bethel speakers have transportation expenses - maybe $1000 or so.
as for rent on the assembly hall, well you have already paid for it once, why pay again?
Enlightening thread. They should be ashamed of themselves! Some people are putting in their grocery money to fund these scam artists.
They are despicable.
boy oh boy where to start?
lots of changes over the last seven years.
this week i had been reflecting on just how drastically my life has changed for the better since loosening the grip of the watchtower society.. in brief, my life seven years ago this month looked liked this; my family was very unhappy after nearly a decade of serving the "happy god" of the watchtower and being part of the "happiest people on earth".
Thank you for sharing your amazing journey Lovelylil2! My jaw hit the floor when you said that the elder's wife shooed you off the phone when you were confiding in her about wanting to end your life! How awful of her. Where is the love? I'm so glad you have found peace, love and happiness and a wonderful faith to keep you strong. So nice that you and your family got out together.
I wish you all the very best for you and your family.
praise jah!
from the same true christianstm who brought you throwaway families, we now have disposable pets.
heart-warming story as lewis finds new home.
If people are willing to dump their own children, parents and friends then what hope does an animal have?
anyone know where i can find where the org has used quotes from secular sources placed in thier litrature but were used out of context.
i know there are misquotes in the trinity brochure.
possible-san: Thanks! That is an awesome letter to show their dishonesty!
i'll just come out and say it... i don't give a f**k about my birthday.
it's only a painful reminder that i'm one year closer to my grave.
i'm not here to pick a fight with those who do celebrate.
A beer should settle this non-disagreement! Cheers!
i just wrote a message to my youngest daughter - its been over a year since we were in touch.
she moved to live with an older sibling and cut off contact with me.
she's only 17. its been heartbreaking.
Loz - My stomach feels sick reading that she changed her settings. I'm so sorry. This is all so wrong. She is being controlled to act that way.
Your letter was beautiful and heartfelt. She knows you love her. Don't ever give up in trying. One day your love will get through the programming.
Sending you lots and lots of love .
i'll just come out and say it... i don't give a f**k about my birthday.
it's only a painful reminder that i'm one year closer to my grave.
i'm not here to pick a fight with those who do celebrate.
Disagreement???? What disagreement? Am I missing something?
i'll just come out and say it... i don't give a f**k about my birthday.
it's only a painful reminder that i'm one year closer to my grave.
i'm not here to pick a fight with those who do celebrate.
This is what happens when I'm tired and have a keyboard in front of me. I don't care one way or another. However, my son's birthday is special and I've always celebrated it. It always will be. The rest well . . . take it or leave it.
i'll just come out and say it... i don't give a f**k about my birthday.
it's only a painful reminder that i'm one year closer to my grave.
i'm not here to pick a fight with those who do celebrate.
Happy birthday, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !
i just wrote a message to my youngest daughter - its been over a year since we were in touch.
she moved to live with an older sibling and cut off contact with me.
she's only 17. its been heartbreaking.
Oh Loz! I'm so very sorry for all the pain. You absolutely did the right thing by contacting her. She needs to know you love her unconditionally. One day she is bound to see it. Hopefully, the rest of the kids too. Hugs to you.
My heart goes out to all of you on this thread going through such pain. My thoughts are with you all.
This thread is truly heartbreaking. This organization is beyond evil. It's terrifying what they have done to families.
This is just so sad. I can't stop the tears.