I'll just come out and say it... I don't give a f**k about my birthday. It's only a painful reminder that I'm one year closer to my grave. I've lived my life for so long without the b-day thing, I just don't give a shit about starting now. Neither do I give a shit about x-mas, v-day, h-ween, etc. To me these are stupid, expensive, overblown, troublesome commercial indulgences the world can do without. (Not to mention that they are bad for the environment. )
I'm not here to pick a fight with those who DO celebrate. This thread is not here to debate the moral correctness of such OR anyone's right to do so. (Notice the profanity? I'm not a WT apologist.)
I've noticed that there are many 'worldlies' (non baptized, non born-ins) who don't bother with b-days or holidays either. I've even known some of them personally. If you don't give a crap about any of it either, post here.
Let the thunder roll...