Thanks Yknot and bro anonymous! Yknot - I have to laugh at the thought of you in the stall at the KH sending out secret documents - you are a true undercover agent! Randy - thanks for the info too!
They are truly sick with their suicide assist/murder document here. It's disgusting. I did notice a point that could be used against them in court - especially for any parents who are fighting to give their child a transfusion against a JW parent/elders.
They advise NOT to mention their strong faith in the resurrection hope as it may convince the judge that they are unreasonable. USE THIS AGAINST THEM!!! It could very well save the life of many children if the judge sees the complete absurdity and unreasonableness of this stupid argument. They are basically saying that the if the child dies faithful now they will be resurrected at a future . . . unknown date. That may be enough to sway the judge to help the child by granting an order.
All you lurkers out there - do you realize that the WT society is blatantly putting blood - the symbol of life above the ACTUAL LIFE of the child? Think long and hard about that. Your child may one day be in that situation - will you sacrifice YOUR child for a SYMBOL?