I know, I know, mr.Flipper.
All Jehovah's Witnesses are rapists! Including me....
Peace in & Peace out!
Titus: That is really distasteful! I fail to see any humour in that comment. You are taking something serious and making a mockery out of it. Not one person has every intimated that ALL Jehovah's witnesses are rapists. There ARE many rapists out there and some are Jehovah's witnesses! People have been hurt and their lives have been torn apart by this. DO NOT UNDER VALUE what others have gone through! It is NOT a joking matter. What the policies may or may not be is NOT the point - the point is WHAT IS ACTUALLY GOING ON!! They are two different realities.
People devoting their own time to keep others safe is admirable.
Good job LITS! You are one courageous woman. Mr. Flipper - I very much appreciate your comments!