I didnt go on Thursday (reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllly toooooooooo tired!!!). My husband went alone with the kids. And yesterday none of us went to the meeting (looooooong nap). This morning, we received the visit of a verrrrrrrrry niiiiiice elder(our ex BS-Elder): he just wanted to know if we were ok. If the kids were ill. I just ignored his questions and invited him to come in. We just talk about his holiday and then watched some pictures of our winter holidays in the Caribbean and then he left...I don't know how I'm going to do the coming weeks or months as I'm a new "believer" of the truth about "the truth". We've got a special meeting in Austria on June 8th (all Austrian JW are invited to come to Vienna) and I'm really curious about what they are going to tell us. I also plan to go to the DC in July and after that I think that will be all. I don't want to be part of it anymore. I've learnt to much about the borg in the past 2 weeks. Enough is enough. Hope my husband will follow. I try to sow seeds...hope they will grow. I don't want to traumatize our to little girls.