I had to give this talk last night...
As I was putting it together, I thought about cancelling or telling the school overseer I was sick. But I already "get sick" for parts I cannot stomach, so I figured I'd save it for a better occasion. (Like the 1914 part coming up that I'm scheduled for!)
It was strange though, I also wondered. Why did God let them go into battle without warning them? Kind of a jerk move.
I read the account over and was so stunned at the passage where it says man, woman, and child died by the sword. How sickening. I can't believe I used to unquestioningly believe this! So I watered down the account as much as I could and bypassed all the absurdity.
For instance:
"They “captured” the city."
"Achan was “found out” and “dealt with.”
I mostly focused on not doing bad things in private that can hurt others. It’s not cool. Think of others before you do something stupid.
I don’t know… maybe I should have focused on the innocent murders of Jericho and his family getting brutally stoned. That way, somebody would hopefully notice the ridiculousness and “wake up”.
Funny thing is, I was told it was the best #3 I’ve ever given by the Service Overseer and the COBE. Ha!