sir82: Nor will you be allowed to take notes.
Aside from that thought, your comments make sense. But there's nothing in the elder's handbook that states notes are not allowed and I also specifically asked if I could. They said yes.
I wouldn't be surprised if laptops are off limits but I'm looking for either a personal experience stating such OR I'd like to hear from an elder who has current notes in his manual specifying laptops are not allowed. It's not that I don't appreciate your reply, Sir82, but if you're adamant (yet wrong) about taking notes, I have to wonder if you have your facts straight on the laptop as well. No offense, I'm just trying to get all my ducks in a row.
A judicial committee is very much a "strutting macho display" for typical elders - it's a chance to demonstrate their control and power. If you are less than than sniveling, groveling, and compliant, they will go rough on you.
While I disagree with the action being taken and the WTBTS judicial system in general, I have a hard time believing hasty generalizations of any type. I know two of the elders in this case pretty well and this isn't something they're enjoying. Their perception is skewed and they believe they're right, I'm wrong, and God wants them to punish me and protect the congregation. I disagree, obviously, but I realize that is their motivation. Plus, my issue isn't with individuals at my old hall but with the Society itself.
Having said all that, I may feel totally different tomorrow.