Bumped in honor of the Anchorman sequel being announced
JoinedPosts by SweetBabyCheezits
Just why did He create Mosquitoes?
by jean-luc picard inso if blood is so precious in gods sight, just why did he create mosquitoes?.
or did they used to drink orange juice in the past?.
and if you feel up to it, here's a load of other blood sucking creatures that are living on you, every day.. .
BroDan/Christ: Just to state the obvious that the covenent of the respecting of blood was only given to man. I don't agree with WT policy either. But just sayin...it's a little silly.
Hey, it's BroDan!
Which part is silly again? The part where the WT misinterprets and enforces an ancience convenant on blood? Or that ridiculous part of the Bible between Genesis and Revelation?
My Heart just skipped a beat
by wha happened? in'anchorman 2' in the works, says will ferrell.
By the beard of Zeus, there is a god!
by still thinking inthis is an honest question on my part.
someone on this board asked me 'how do you know' a while ago and i really struggled with it.
in fact, it was a turning point for me.
*OMGosh, did that make sense to anyone other than me?*
by still thinking inthis is an honest question on my part.
someone on this board asked me 'how do you know' a while ago and i really struggled with it.
in fact, it was a turning point for me.
Long post but Carl Sagan is worth it... (and you can find the PDF of the entire book online if interested.)
Insight, untested and unsupported, is an insufficient guarantee of truth. - Bertrand Russell, Mysticism and Logic (1929)
When we are asked to swear in courts of law that we will tell 'the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth', we are being asked the impossible. It is simply beyond our powers.Our memories are fallible; even scientific truth is merely an approximation; and we are ignorant about nearly all of the Universe. Nevertheless, a life may depend on our testimony. To swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth to the limit of our abilities is a fair request. Without the qualifying phrase, though, it's simply out of touch. But such a qualification, however consonant with human reality, is unacceptable to any legal system. If everyone tells the truth only to a degree determined by individual judgement, then incriminating or awkward facts might be withheld, events shaded, culpability hidden, responsibility evaded, and justice denied. So the law strives for an impossible standard of accuracy, and we do the best we can.
In the jury selection process, the court needs to be reassured that the verdict will be based on evidence. It makes heroic efforts to weed out bias. It is aware of human imperfection. Does the potential juror personally know the district attorney, or the prosecutor, or the defence attorney? What about the judge or the other jurors? Has she formed an opinion about this case not from the facts laid out in court but from pre-trial publicity? Will she assign evidence from police officers greater or lesser weight than evidence from witnesses for the defence? Is she biased against the defendant's ethnic group? Does the potential juror live in the neighbourhood where the crimes were committed, and might that influence her judgement? Does she have a scientific background about matters on which expert witnesses will testify? (This is often a count against her.) Are any of her relatives or close family members employed in law enforcement or criminal law? Has she herself ever had any run-ins with police that might influence her judgement in the trial? Was any close friend or relative ever arrested on a similar charge?
The American system of jurisprudence recognizes a wide range of factors, predispositions, prejudices and experiences that might cloud our judgement, or affect our objectivity, sometimes even without our knowing it. It goes to great, perhaps even extravagant, lengths to safeguard the process of judgement in a criminal trial from the human weaknesses of those who must decide on innocence or guilt. Even then, of course, the process sometimes fails.
Why would we settle for anything less when interrogating the natural world, or when attempting to decide on vital matters of politics, economics, religion and ethics? -
by still thinking inthis is an honest question on my part.
someone on this board asked me 'how do you know' a while ago and i really struggled with it.
in fact, it was a turning point for me.
TEC: I think they [gospel accounts] are a good place to learn about Christ. They corroborate one another on his teachings; they give witness to the existance and life of Christ. They might not all be first-hand witness testimony... and instead some have written down that first hand witness testimony that others have shared to them.
Also known as hearsay, my good lady. Is that kind of 'evidence' admissible in a court of law?
Since these writings are the foundation of a person's knowledge of Christ, I'd like to post the first chunk of chapter 17 of The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark by Carl Sagan.
Standby for transmission...
Anyone here use a tablet computer
by maksym injust curious here who uses the new tablet computers, whether they be android based or ipad ios from apple.
does anyone here use a phone to post and what is your experience with that?.
i'm curious as to how much more time there will be before these devices are the main computers for people.
eggnog: Are you jealous of me? From where exactly is this angst you have toward me coming?
You got me, DJ. It's jealousy. Specifically, I wish I had your massive.... ego. I spend hours dreaming about how badass it must be to lug that thing around and whip it out in public and have women and children gasp at how taken you are with yourself.
Orrrr it could be the angst stems from your attitude, which is repulsive. To quote the forum's own N.Drew, I don't like you. If you could stand back and see yourself, I think you'd want to kick your own ass. And if you would only follow through, I think you might become a decent chap, even if you chose to continue believing crazy JW doctrine whilst cavorting with us wretched apostates on JWN. But I don't see you taking a more accurate assessment of yourself anytime soon.
You also do not seem to be aware, @SBC, that I say what I want to say to anyone I wish without exception in whatever manner I choose to express my points of view, taking care to not violate forum guidelines.
Hahaha, yeah, we are all well aware, DJ. You're cleaning up this forum, one sassy post at a time.
While I believe I know what "douchebag" means, I'm not so sure that it would be proper on my part to guess that you meant by "douchebaggery," so if you don't mind -- I do realize you might mind -- but if you don't mind doing so, please tell me what you meant by this non-word so that in the future I won't have to guess what it was you meant by it. Thanks in advance.
For a technologically advanced ubermensch, I'd expect you to be a little more familiar with Google. Click the link below and just go with entry #3...
Maybe that's a bit harsh, even for you.
eggnog: If AutoCAD or CS5 were among the apps populating a Citrix farm, would you be unable to use Citrix Receiver, which is a universal app that runs on the iPad, to run either of these app?
Possible or not, I really don't know. I know it's possible to hammer a nail with fist-sized rock but I tend walk away bleeding and swearing by the time it's done.
I think the biggest question for me is would it be practical? Someday it may be that designers will use the iPad or some other tablet as a thin terminal to run high-end design/engineering software on a server. But today, if you give a damn about efficiency, it doesn't seem to be the right tool for the job. For my heavy lifting (graphical editing of different sorts), I need dual screens. Densely-packed pixels on a 10" screen, while gorgeous, just won't cut it. Forget AirPlay and the like.
I also need multiple inputs, including a USB input for a cult-favorite trackball. Even if those problems were resolved with BlueTooth input devices, I would expect a generous dose of lag. Again, the goal is to pick the right tool for the job and save time, money, and frustration.
I'm sure there are other obscacles I haven't considered (I'm a user, not a guru) but if you can overcome all of those hurdles, I would consider it.
If that wasn't the answer you were looking for, feel free to carry your question over to a Autodesk or Adobe pro forum and see what they think.
Serena Williams wants a man of her faith
by behemot inhttp://www.s2smagazine.com/stories/2012/03/serena-williams-wants-man-her-faith.
serena williams wants a man of her faith start node-story.tpl.php serena: 'i think it's important when you marry to be evenly yoked'posted wed, 2012-03-28 17:32 by tracy scottlike most women, serena williams wants a man wholl adore her, respect her and be faithful, but she also has another requirement for any future love interest.
he must be a jehovahs witness.. i think its important when you marry to be evenly yoked, said serena, who is currently working toward becoming a member of that faith.. ive been studying to be a jehovahs witness, so i go to kingdom hall, she told s2s publisher jamie foster brown.
I think whomever she marries, she will make him sit when he urinates
Hey, sitting has it's benefits!
by still thinking inthis is an honest question on my part.
someone on this board asked me 'how do you know' a while ago and i really struggled with it.
in fact, it was a turning point for me.
"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."
While true, the same goes for Bertrand Russell's teapot, which orbits the Sun between Earth and Mars...
... or does it?
Do demons really exist?
by Inisc ini mean, is there really any scientific evidence to support their existence?.
is it used as a scare tactic of thewts?.
and i suppose if one doesn't believe in god, a belief in satan and demons and angels for that matter would be contradictory... im not sure what i believe now but would love to hear everyone's thoughts..
bio, Michael Shermer suggests that before we state something is out of this world, we should first exhaust all possibilities that are in this world. Would you agree?
If so, I think we can rule out a low frequency standing wave in this case (haha). Now I would ask the following questions....
- Is it more or less implausible that her memory conformed - in at least some of the criteria - to the real world results? (Assuming no written record was made when the events transpired, that would be hard to verify.)
- Is it more or less implausible that she counted the hits and forgot the misses? (throw 100 darts at a board while blindfolded and some are likely to hit the circle)
- Is it more or less implausible that several of the criteria offered relatively short odds, and favored average features? (red hair, brown hair, blonde hair, black = 1:4)
- Is it more or less implausible that she self-fulfilled the prophecy based on the answers she received? (nod to Zid) You say she confirmed your height two years in advance? I would like to ask how many other suitors she measured up before finding you but I wouldn't be quick to rely on that memory either. (Side note, the JWs like to point out they are the only ones doing the preaching work that was "predicted" at Mat 24:14 - another self-fulfilling prophecy.)
- Is it more likely that a combination of the above points explain a 14 year old girl's memory of her perception of her Ouija board experience..... or that a spirit accurately conveyed her future via Hasbro?