MISTER Falcon: I wasn't knocking anyones belief in evolution or intelligent design. For the sake of this discussion my aim was to attack the way that WTBS stupidly demonstrates their complete lack of scientific knowledge by making silly claims about the "wonderment of creation" and then paints pictures of grinning idiots petting cobras in Paradise.
Pffft, I call BS. I think you're intentionally knocking my creationist perspective, Falcon, because you know me and my Goddess are tight and you're jealous.
So She enjoys a good death match on NatGeo from time to time. Yeah? What's so wrong with that?
If it's because it soundsincompatible with the highest possible standard of love, justice, and compassion.... remember you're just a puny man, and barely one at that. But she's a Goddess, complete with an immaterial va-jay-jay and everything, hence the gender association. And since she's ineffable, I can describe Her however I damn well please and you can't touch it with human logic or reason. No, that's not a double standard. So if you think there are any contradictions, check this out, uh, there aren't. What? What?
Lemme illustrate: Can you count to infinity? No, to answer my rhetorical question and mark another point. So how can you presume to judge the character of an infinite being, who - as it so happens - intelligently designed millions of species with the skills and equipment needed to viciously prey on smaller, weaker species... or even their own... mutilating entire colonies/nests/tribes/etc in the process? I see only Her motherly compassion when I read things like this:
"The hornets can devastate a colony of honey bees: a single hornet can kill as many as 40 honey bees per minute thanks to its large mandibles which can quickly strike and decapitate a bee. It takes only a few of these hornets a few hours to exterminate the population of a 30,000-member hive, leaving a trail of severed insect heads and limbs." -wiki entry for Asian giant hornet
See, the context makes it okay.
So, Falcon, let me know when you acquire omnipotence, omniscience, and omnibenevolence.... then your opinions on my God might actually mean something. [rolleyes]