Jo-Jo, I think I found the explanation for your wayward broom.
JoinedPosts by SweetBabyCheezits
My demon experience
by SweetBabyCheezits inone recent afternoon, me and a buddy were taking a trek around a nearby neighborhood and made our way past a delapidated house that had all the familiar symptoms of being haunted.
he suggested we check it out so, of course, we did.
it looked like it had been abandoned probably 30-40 years earlier but the previous owners had left behind a small coffee table.
Richard Dawkins is Agnostic?!
by cedars ini've just happened upon the following website article featuring an interview between richard dawkins and dr rowan williams, the archbishop of canterbury.
i was surprised to discover that, when asked directly "why don't you call yourself an agnostic?
" he answered that he did.. here is the article:.
I believe the vast majority of god concepts are self-refuting inventions of man and I don't mind saying so. Those who worship such god concepts would surely think of me as a hard core atheist.
For the nebulous Spinoza-Einstein & Paine god concepts, I don't know. I lack enough confidence to be called a "believer" but the descriptions are not so ridiculous that I feel the need to reject them on the grounds of being self-refuting. And those who are confident in that kind of concept don't insist that I'll be punished for doubting. From their perspective, I suppose I am agnostic.
But since I do not believe in an intervening holy book god, I'm absolutely not a theist. So I find it better to classify myself as a nontheist as that clarifies a host of ideas I reject, while still allowing me to be uncertain of a few unorthodox "god" concepts. -
Richard Dawkins is Agnostic?!
by cedars ini've just happened upon the following website article featuring an interview between richard dawkins and dr rowan williams, the archbishop of canterbury.
i was surprised to discover that, when asked directly "why don't you call yourself an agnostic?
" he answered that he did.. here is the article:.
Jo-Jo: You do not know what atheism is Cedars, its simply a lack of evidence to suggest that god does exist, therefore we dont believe, not a dogmatic belief without evidence that god does not exist, I hope you theists could at least get this right.
So, Jo-Jo, you're an atheist who just happens to be confident in the existence of supernatural beings? Outstanding!
Long live the almighty ant!
"In some remote corner of the universe, poured out and glittering in innumerable solar systems,
there once was a star on which clever animals invented knowledge. That was the highest and
most mendacious minute of "world history"—yet only a minute. After nature had drawn a few
breaths the star grew cold, and the clever animals had to die.One might invent such a fable and still not have illustrated sufficiently how wretched, how
shadowy and flighty, how aimless and arbitrary, the human intellect appears in nature. There
have been eternities when it did not exist; and when it is done for again, nothing will have
happened. For this intellect has no further mission that would lead beyond human life. It is
human, rather, and only its owner and producer gives it such importance, as if the world pivoted
around it. But if we could communicate with the mosquito, then we would learn that he floats
through the air with the same self-importance, feeling within itself the flying center of the world.
There is nothing in nature so despicable or insignificant that it cannot immediately be blown up
like a bag by a slight breath of this power of knowledge; and just as every porter wants an
admirer, the proudest human being, the philosopher, thinks that he sees on the eyes of the
universe telescopically focused from all sides on his actions and thoughts."-Nietzsche, On Truth and Lie in an Extra-Moral Sense
If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything.
My eyes roll back into my skull when I hear that platitude. Ironically, I hear it used most by those who believe a snake talked our great grandma into eating a piece of naughty fruit and that's ultimately why the Guinea worm exists.
My demon experience
by SweetBabyCheezits inone recent afternoon, me and a buddy were taking a trek around a nearby neighborhood and made our way past a delapidated house that had all the familiar symptoms of being haunted.
he suggested we check it out so, of course, we did.
it looked like it had been abandoned probably 30-40 years earlier but the previous owners had left behind a small coffee table.
Well, Jo-Jo, I see there's no arguing logic with you, even with the aid of a brilliant astrophysicist. (Ol Naive Carl, they called him in college, because he'd fall for anything. What an idiot, haha!) I yield to your superior understanding of science, Jo-jo.
In summary...
- You observed chickens being chased by a bloodthirsty broom at the age of... well that wasn't disclosed... but you saw it with 15 other Jehovah's Witnesses. You have a faultless memory of it.
- You carefully documented the experience, recorded testimony of the witnesses, formulated a hypothesis, undoubtedly with some criteria that might falsify it... except you didn't disclose what that criteria actually was. (But I'm the one who doesn't understand falsifiability.)
- I'm sure you've exhausted every possible natural explanation and you have a mind that's incapable of being tricked, ergo the "paranormal" label is clearly more appropriate than "unexplained".
But as long as we're making unfalsifiable claims - and anything "paranormal" is inherently unfalsifiable, right? - I'm gonna say it was Patrick Swayze.
My demon experience
by SweetBabyCheezits inone recent afternoon, me and a buddy were taking a trek around a nearby neighborhood and made our way past a delapidated house that had all the familiar symptoms of being haunted.
he suggested we check it out so, of course, we did.
it looked like it had been abandoned probably 30-40 years earlier but the previous owners had left behind a small coffee table.
Joey: where had i used labelling in this thread?
Well not counting the fact that you posted your experience on a demon thread, there was in an old thread where you suggested spirits were the culprit and seemed offended that anyone might question your conclusion. Remember? We've had this discussion before and you shared the paranormal broomstick attack on the chickens anecdote. Here's the link:
Joey (at thread cited above): Spirits from dead people is not true, demons can lie and kill you, the same principall applies with the OT food offerings can calm down the demon
Yeah, spirits of dead people - that's ridiculous. What you gotta watch out for is those lying demunz pretending to be dead people, attacking our chickens.
Joey: lets say you are being schooled by a person who believes in demons, does that mean that everything they would school you in science be wrong?
No, but you haven't schooled me in science yet. I was being sarcastic.
where did i write that ocasionaly demons attack chickens with a broom stick?
In your defense, you never said they occasionally attack chickens with brooms. You only said it happened once. I just took the liberty of mocking you.
Joey: The title of his book says it all.
You didn't bother to read past the cover?
Joey: you dont even know nor understand the theory of falsifibility.
Which parts am I confused about? I know your "hypothesis" seemed to be - based on the other thread - that an invisible spirit chased chickens around a yard with a broomstick. And from your response, it doesn't appear to be falsifiable. Otherwise, please tell me the criteria we might measure or conditions we might observe or experiment we might perform that would prove your hypothesis false. Sagan's "dragon in my garage" is a perfect example of an unfalsifiable hypothesis.
Joey: i am still looking for an answer and i dont want people to just take my word,
I, too, don't want people to just take your word.
Joey: as i wrote before parapsychology is intereating, science is interesting
You mean pseudoscience?
but know it all twats are a waste of time.
Wow! That's the first time I've been called a twat. Today. Look, I wouldn't pretend to know what caused you and 15 other people to perceive a broom chasing and beating your chickens. I'm just saying it would be premature and naive to label an unexplained event (or memory of a perception) as paranormal, supernatural, demons, spirits, ghosts, aliens, Kevin Bacon, etc....
Jehovah's Witnesses And The Paranormal
by Cold Steel ini understand that the jehovah's witnesses are paranoid when it comes to the paranormal.. how far do the roots of this paranoia go?
has anyone ever had any personal paranormal experiences or know of anyone who has (first hand)?.
and what are some of the more popular stories that get retold in jw circles?.
Millions of people in all manner of religious or otherwise testify to having experienced the paranormal or supernatural.
Don't forget alien abductions!
My demon experience
by SweetBabyCheezits inone recent afternoon, me and a buddy were taking a trek around a nearby neighborhood and made our way past a delapidated house that had all the familiar symptoms of being haunted.
he suggested we check it out so, of course, we did.
it looked like it had been abandoned probably 30-40 years earlier but the previous owners had left behind a small coffee table.
I shall counter your question with another, m'lady: How does a thermos know to keep cold drinks cold and hot drinks hot?
The answer to that riddle is it just does. Nobody knows why and it would be a huge waste of time to try figuring it out. Besides, I've already tried twice. That said, I'm now leaning ever-so-slightly towards demonses.