One recent afternoon, me and a buddy were taking a trek around a nearby neighborhood and made our way past a delapidated house that had all the familiar symptoms of being haunted. He suggested we check it out so, of course, we did. It looked like it had been abandoned probably 30-40 years earlier but the previous owners had left behind a small coffee table. Other than that it was empty.
My friend made some comment about the property being known for its demon infestation. I reminded him that I don't believe in demons. He insisted that they exist so, being that I am a douche canoe of the highest order, I told him we should try to conjure 'em up with mockery. I can't remember exactly what I started chanting but it was purely facetious and, since none of you were there, witty.
Get this: I hadn't finished my first disrespectful stanza when, lo and behold, that table LIFTED... OFF....THE FLOOR.... and started spinning in the middle of the room. I saw this as clearly as I can see my hand in front of my face. He saw it, too.
What would you think if you saw a levitating, spinning table in those circumstances? Would you assume the best explanation was demons? Ghosts? Some kind of otherworldly forces? Would you go with a lower-hanging fruit and distrust your own perception?
I can't deny that the old JW programming struck me for a split second but I'll tell you what I thought as soon as the hair on my neck laid back down. "Waaaaait a minute.... this kinda crap is beyond reality. It's much more likely this is all a figment of my imagination. I must be asleep and dreaming right now..." Well, I hate to be a buzzkill but that was exactly right. From that point on, I had an amazing lucid dream. I was all, "There is no spoon," and then my consciousness started controlling the direction, characters, and content to some [x-rated] degree. Beat the hell out of any IMAX.
I'm not saying everyone who believes they've seen ghosts or demons must've been dreaming, nor am I saying unexplained phenomena can't happen in real life. I'm just happy I was skeptical of my perception/senses before calling out "JEHOVAH, JEHOVAH, JEHOVAH" which is 50% more effective than calling it out twice.
And that concludes this talk. We now invite you to give your attention to Brother Falcon, who will cover the Bible Highlights for this week.