Dang, I want to read the Special Verdict, filed June 13, cited in yesterday's minutes...
EDIT: I removed my stupid question. I'm sure the first place it will be available to the public is the court's website.
is this recent?
i havent seen anyone post about it, the link has a pdf on it of the court documents, and it looks like the stamp is from 5/12 but its blurry.. .
Dang, I want to read the Special Verdict, filed June 13, cited in yesterday's minutes...
EDIT: I removed my stupid question. I'm sure the first place it will be available to the public is the court's website.
is this recent?
i havent seen anyone post about it, the link has a pdf on it of the court documents, and it looks like the stamp is from 5/12 but its blurry.. .
sir82: "Hey, it looks like you guys are kind of Catholic-lite....you even have your own child abuse scandal and have to pay out $millions....I thought you said you guys didn't have to worry about stuff like that?"
is this recent?
i havent seen anyone post about it, the link has a pdf on it of the court documents, and it looks like the stamp is from 5/12 but its blurry.. .
Palm: Rank and File......will never hear about this. They are only told of the "victories".
You are right, Palm, they won't be hearing about this defeat from the podium. And they'll be cautioned about watching or reading any news reports that might be tainted with apostate propaganda. They'll be told that this is just more persecution that was foretold in 2 Hezekiah 37:14.
But I feel confident some will find out and it will be an eye-opener for them. And I'm really hoping this will generate lots of negative publicity so that the general public gets an inside look at WT's cover-your-ass policies. Less recruits would be a great silver lining.
is this recent?
i havent seen anyone post about it, the link has a pdf on it of the court documents, and it looks like the stamp is from 5/12 but its blurry.. .
"3:20PM - Outside the presence of the jury, Court and counsel confer on the record. Defendent Watchtower's oral Motion to Set Aside Punitive Damages is DENIED."
All caps. DENIED. Fuck you, Watchtower.
is this recent?
i havent seen anyone post about it, the link has a pdf on it of the court documents, and it looks like the stamp is from 5/12 but its blurry.. .
I keep reading this line over and over. Brings a massive smile to my ugly mug.
is this recent?
i havent seen anyone post about it, the link has a pdf on it of the court documents, and it looks like the stamp is from 5/12 but its blurry.. .
Hey, AnnOMaly, thanks for finding that record of dismissal. Now we have proof of what happened to WT of PA.
I saw that too but couldn't find a scan of the actual dismissal document. I'd really like to know how they were allowed to slip WT of PA out. Goddamn weasels.
okay, so far no one has posted anything about photography on this forum.
so what do you guys and gals think about digital vs 35mm?.
i use to do a little shutter bugging myself.
Wow, twice resurrected from the grave. That's 2x more impressive than the resurrection of Cheezits!
I dabble in this "digital photography" craze. I won't spell out my site letter for letter (because I'm paranoid about creating associations for Google between my JWN self and my semi-professional self) but some of my work can be seen at tim0thy p@$ch@l dot com. And in case the substitutions aren't obvious...
@ - a
$ - s
0 - O
True story: I once got a request for a quote from an Asian model who appeared in Playboy to provide some shots for her portfolio. I talked to m'lady about it and she was a bit uneasy with the idea (after seeing her existing portfolio) so I politely declined and passed her on to another photographer. Then like the next day my wife had a change of heart and said it would be fine but it was too late.
Got the opportunity to be co-shooter at a celebrity wedding late last year - a Disney channel starlet. Bridal party included Demi Lovato and Wilmer Valderrama.
is this recent?
i havent seen anyone post about it, the link has a pdf on it of the court documents, and it looks like the stamp is from 5/12 but its blurry.. .
Wow, the timing couldn't be better with the Sandusky trial starting this week. This really needs to make headlines.
is this recent?
i havent seen anyone post about it, the link has a pdf on it of the court documents, and it looks like the stamp is from 5/12 but its blurry.. .
EDIT: Nevermind.
If this is legit, it needs to be shouted from the rooftops and waved in front of every news outlet possible. I haven't read through it but right now I'm checking out the Rulings and CMC Orders page.
ok, am i correct in saying that the fds never stated armegedon was coming in 75'?
however, they led everyone to believe it was coming in 75'?.
if the latter question is true, can you provide links to talks or articles that point to this?
In print, they dry-humped the hell outta 1975 and walked away with a wet spot on the front of their pants. But now they're like, "WHAT? There was no penetration!"
From what I understand, though, there were plenty of public speakers - representatives of the WT - who did penetrate.