I think it will be the... Womprats... and the... Koalas going head-to-head in a stirring NHS east division... showdown. Slap some sticks and shiver me timbers, ice bitches.
How'd I do?
greetings my fellow fans of the frozen pond and old-time hockey.. it's time for the playoffs beard!.
so let's pick 'em.
who will be drinking from lord stanley's mug this year?
I think it will be the... Womprats... and the... Koalas going head-to-head in a stirring NHS east division... showdown. Slap some sticks and shiver me timbers, ice bitches.
How'd I do?
stupid question i know.. lol.
i'd be a cat because i'm lazy and independent and i love sleeping.
So I guess I will settle for being a llama, because lamallcool.
Hahaha, that's a perfectly honorable second choice.
While I'm glad you guys were kind enough to clarify lamallcool's handle, I now have to pause every time I see it and my processor spikes a bit.... kinda like this...
stupid question i know.. lol.
i'd be a cat because i'm lazy and independent and i love sleeping.
I've been waiting a year for this thread. I call Honey Badger:
this is my first post on this forum, though it feels like i already know some of you here.
i have been lurking for a couple of months now, and i must say, there honestly seems to be more love and respect here than any forum i have ever seen on any forum of any kind.
i am 25 years old, married 3 years to my wonderful wife who is 22. we had a somewhat classic jw upbringing... which i now know has been our biggest problem.
Welcome, Cap'n! I was in a similar place with my wife and spent four long years in frustration after I woke up. The fight was worth it, though. You may have to play the long game if you can stomach it. In my opinion, the conditioned mind responds better to finding its own way out than being led out by someone else. But it can be done.
The WTBTS may be fundamentally wrong about so much but they are right about a couple of details: Sowing tiny seeds of doubt might be your best bet in gradually freeing her mind since frontal attacks are rarely effective.
Best of luck to you, good man!
since everything comes from god, it's the starting point for each of our journeys even if many move away from it.
some return while others never do though even these remain 'theists' towards a deeply held conviction.
eventually we all die and meet our maker and end up in the presence of belief and knowledge as when we began.. the journey is what makes a life and if yours contains a lack of belief in god that's fine - so long as it causes no harm.
Burns, you ever looked into simulation hypothesis? I'm as agnostic about it as I am about the possibile existence of a deistic-type god. Still, I have a hard time entertaining the idea of transhumanism without circling back around to simulation hypothesis. If the former is achievable, why shouldn't we suspect we are already in a post-human era and are currently deep in a simulation, for which we likely volunteered? That would also explain human suffering where a more intelligent entity would surely be concerned about ethics and free will of experimenting on emotionally fragile creatures.
Of course, that's as unfalsifiable as solipsism, so what good is it? So then I have a hard time taking the Singularity seriously either. But most of this is really over my head so I try to stay in the shallow end of the pool where it's safe. :-)
This is just one more subject where remaining unconvinced seems to be the safest route until I find enough evidence and reason to move from that position.
just think 2,000 years ago jesus stood on a plank above the sarlacc pit.
then he spun around and jumped back up onto the skiff where peter threw him his lightsaber from pilate's sail barge.
after slaughtering the guards he and the apostles sped away, but not before they turned the main deck gun down at pilate's barge.
There's so much adulterated goodness in this thread.
just curious here who uses the new tablet computers, whether they be android based or ipad ios from apple.
does anyone here use a phone to post and what is your experience with that?.
i'm curious as to how much more time there will be before these devices are the main computers for people.
Egg, I see I've ruffled your feathers. Look, there's nothing wrong with being a male secretary. Just be glad you have a job in this economy.
Egg: I believe with God's power he was able to perform many miraculous works that none of us today could do more than scoff and doubt that these things actually occurred since none of us were alive then to dispute whether or not they occurred.
Good point! Then I suppose we can't scoff and doubt myths attributed to other god-man hybrids since we weren't there, either, eh? I'm going to make a note of this rule of thumb: Believe all sensational stories of events that you don't personally witness.
Frankly, I couldn't stomach the rest of what you wrote. I reached my bullshit limit for the entire week within a single WT-saturated paragraph and moved on.
SBC: But, FWIW, I regularly peg out an i7 processor and utilize all 12GB of RAM on my main editing computer.
Egg: I don't think what things you have said here are worth anything at all.
Geez, it shouldn't be hard for someone so technologically gifted as you to grasp. I'm just an average user and I get it. The iPad processor clocks in around 1GHz and it comes with a whopping 1GB of RAM. For tasks that are as taxing on the processor and RAM as I mention above, the iPad wouldn't cut it.
Egg: This is just bloviation on your part and I suspect it was for this reason you joined this thread. If you are trying to make it appear to those reading this thread that you are a smart bloke, your efforts here didn't work on me.
Haha, that is fucking rich, coming from you. This thread could've been only read by you and I would've responded the exact same way. You're arrogance brings it out of me.
Egg: You have come off here to me as being rather silly, insecure and immature with a complex that seems to drive you to wanting to prove to others than you're a smart guy or just a guy.
Yes, I desperately want to prove I'm just a guy... whatever it takes to get away from the image of being just a parrot for the WTBTS.
Egg: I'd still regard you as being a silly, insecure and immature individual until you decided to change your behavior.
just noticed three tornado warnings that included dallas, arlington, and fort worth.
nws text for these warnings stated that there were two "large and extremely dangerous tornadoes" confirmed on the ground in the area.
james_woods or terry, what's the scoop?.
Knights of Columbus, that's like magic! Thanks, Shack.
just curious here who uses the new tablet computers, whether they be android based or ipad ios from apple.
does anyone here use a phone to post and what is your experience with that?.
i'm curious as to how much more time there will be before these devices are the main computers for people.
Goshawk: I use my iPad to view autoCad files and 3d models while at a install site during construction.
Egg: I believe@SweetBabyCheezits believes the iPad to be unsuitable for AutoCAD files, but maybe you can help him ease into the use of one for DWGs and DXFs.
Goshawk, don't mind Egg, he just likes to misrepresent what other people say to cover over his own stupid remarks. Nowhere did I write or otherwise imply the iPad wouldn't make an excellent viewer. A buddy of mine uses it onsite every week and loves it. It seems like a fantastic application of the iPad in the field. To me, it would beat the hell outta shuffling through D or E-sized prints.
Egg, my actual words are indelibly written in this same thread. Go back and re-read it. I said my work"requires full-featured versions of Autodesk & Adobe CS5 Master Suite products", not just a viewer. While it's an awesome piece of hardware in it's own right, for some folks' needs, the iPad can't compete with a desktop or notebook PCs (including Macs) that are designed for memory-intensive and processor-demanding apps like Autodesk Inventor. That said, I love using the iPad where it excels.
Egg: Are you jealous of me? From where exactly is this angst you have toward me coming?
SBC: You got me, DJ. It's jealousy.
Egg: I knew it.
A big thanks to Egg for demonstrating that sarcasm is wasted on the stupid.
SBC:... I think you might become a decent chap, even if you chose to continue believing crazy JW doctrine whilst cavorting with us wretched apostates on JWN.
Egg: I don't know what "crazy JW doctrines" even means. If you don't mind, please give me an example of just one such doctrine that you believe I embrace as one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Fair enough. How about the idea that a 2k year old Jew named Jesus - who supposedly healed the blind (by spitting in their eyes), walked on water, turned water to wine - rose from the dead himself and ascended to heaven so that he could direct a publishing company to define, and then REdefine, the term "generation" to suit their own purposes.
Egg: While I believe I know what "douchebag" means, I'm not so sure that it would be proper on my part to guess that you meant by "douchebaggery," so if you don't mind -- I do realize you might mind -- but if you don't mind doing so, please tell me what you meant by this non-word so that in the future I won't have to guess what it was you meant by it.
SBC:For a technologically advanced ubermensch, I'd expect you to be a little more familiar with Google. Click the link below and just go with entry #3... http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=douchebaggery .... Maybe that's a bit harsh, even for you.
Egg: I don't believe I asked you how online resources like the Urban Dictionary defined "douchebaggery." Don't you have your own mind, your own brain? Are you somehow tied to Google or other online resources so that you refuse to let your own brain think? Didn't you know what it was you meant?
Come on, Egg, for someone who presents himself as the badass intellectual antagonist of JWN, I'd expect you to have better research skills. Wait, do you want me to define "antagonist" for you as well? Or do you just need help when you can't find the definition within the boundaries of the WT Library?
Egg: I don't need a lesson from you on the essentials you've come to learn about using a browser on the 'net (before the Google we know today existed, I used WebCrawler and Dogpile).
Then why didn't you just use Dogpile to look it up? Especially since you're so wise in your Internets years... a real cutting-edge pioneer! "OH, tell us about the days of Netscape Navigator, gramps!! Please! And what was it like running Windows 3.1 and dial-up over a 14.4k modem?? Surely you must possess godlike MSCE credentials if you can name a couple of old search engines!"
Egg: I asked you what you meant by "douchebaggery"; I don't believe I stuttered. Not to be harsh.
Haha - worry not, my egg-headed friend, that wasn't harsh at all. Stupid maybe. Who stutters when they type anyway? Are you mixing your cliched in-person tough guy speak with your Internet tough-guy speak?
Egg: One other question: If AutoCAD or CS5 were among the apps populating a Citrix farm, would you be unable to use Citrix Receiver, which is a universal app that runs on the iPad, to run either of these app?
SBC: Possible or not, I really don't know. I know it's possible to hammer a nail with fist-sized rock but I tend walk away bleeding and swearing by the time it's done.
Egg:I'm done with this. You want to pretend to be smart, that's fine.
No, see, I'm average and I'm okay with that. But the same goes for you and I just want to make sure you know it. It would be easier for you to just admit you aren't the omniscient king of technology you think you are. The iPad may be the perfect piece of hardware for your needs and I wouldn't be surprised if it meets the full computing needs of many users. But not all. And that's what you finally get around to admitting here.....
Egg:....scanning/OCR, audio editing and video production work are "heavy lifting" tasks of a different sort that requires a PC. Someone -- I believe it was @SweetBabyCheezits -- mentioned his need to use AutoCAD on "a PC or laptop,"
So there are tasks for which the iPad won't replace a more qualified machine yet? Man, I'm glad you pointed that out.
Egg: but with the iPad 3's A5X processor and 2048x1536 resolution, I can imagine iPad apps handling 20MB drawings with aplomb.
There you go imagining up reality again. Haha, what a clown! Hey, do you base all your arguments on your imagination or just the ones you present on JWN?
Egg: Both cadTouch and iCAD Professional are available for the iPad and iDesign is a universal app.
Well, see Egg, you DO know how to use a search engine!
But that doesn't mean those two apps are the solution to a much greater issue. Like I said - and I am completly sincere about this - if you can suggest a plausible means in which I can resort to an iPad only and still use my trackball for input, dual 24" screens, and the same bandwidth I have when connected to a gigabit ethernet network, and run full versions (not just light apps or viewers) of Autodesk and Adobe Creative Suite software, I'll ditch the desktop and notebook. But, FWIW, I regularly peg out an i7 processor and utilize all 12GB of RAM on my main editing computer. Just let me know when I can trash it and put my iPad in its place.
just noticed three tornado warnings that included dallas, arlington, and fort worth.
nws text for these warnings stated that there were two "large and extremely dangerous tornadoes" confirmed on the ground in the area.
james_woods or terry, what's the scoop?.
No tornadoes in my town but we got some small hail and minor wind damage. A small Bradford Pear tree was uprooted a few houses down and I've got about a 5" diameter limb in my yard, thanks to my neighbor's dead tree. No big deal there.
"The big headline is that we dodged a big bullet," he said. "We're saddened by the damage the system did, but we've got nobody that's dead and no significant injures. It really is a miracle." -http://www.cnn.com/2012/04/04/us/texas-weather/index.html
Not just a miracle, a FESTIVUS miracle.