blondie: i am a heterosexual man if you wonder my sexual orientation. so i guess in my case i'd be "buying" a woman.
JoinedPosts by finallyfree!
how many would still buy the car without takin her for a test drive?
by finallyfree! intalkin about you guys and gals?
myself and several others have gotten married coz we wanted to get laid.
in alot of cases being quite dissapointed with our "purchase" so to speak.
how many would still buy the car without takin her for a test drive?
by finallyfree! intalkin about you guys and gals?
myself and several others have gotten married coz we wanted to get laid.
in alot of cases being quite dissapointed with our "purchase" so to speak.
ooooh la la! this is very interesting! it seems that many have alot of stereotypes towards the opposite sex. so if i am reading right, most would not get in the sack with their perspective mate/ girlfriend or boyfriend before marriage if they had to do it again...??
how many would still buy the car without takin her for a test drive?
by finallyfree! intalkin about you guys and gals?
myself and several others have gotten married coz we wanted to get laid.
in alot of cases being quite dissapointed with our "purchase" so to speak.
on the way out: you are right. im sure there are many young men who would make alot of women ask themselves the same question. putting gender aside though, we all know how we were brought up in "the truth" . one can, without "hoaring themselves out" find out whether or not they are compatible with someone without getting married. i guess thats the whole point of dating, then moving in together, then tying the knot. not moving out of our parents at 18, "dating" a girl or guy for a year and tying the knot at 20.
how many would still buy the car without takin her for a test drive?
by finallyfree! intalkin about you guys and gals?
myself and several others have gotten married coz we wanted to get laid.
in alot of cases being quite dissapointed with our "purchase" so to speak.
talkin about you guys and gals? myself and several others have gotten married coz we wanted to get laid. in alot of cases being quite dissapointed with our "purchase" so to speak. i know personally i would never accept to marry a girl without knowing 100 percent that were compatible on all fronts. call me superficial or whatever you want but i need to know for sure before i make a committment like that. what is the consensus knowing what you know now??
The Gloves Are Off - Its Official Round 1 has just taken place .. !!!!
by sleepingbeauty ini woke up today a right grumpy basket case.... not a good day for the jehovah's witness to call on me to do there usual shepherding call, bringing me the usual mags of shite!
i stood there on the doorstep in my pj's, care free and all fired up.
i was asked how i was doing & then informed that they had my latest mags.
good 4 u!! these people will run your life into the ground if u let em! good for standing up for what u believe in!!
Obessed with organizational growth?
by sabastious init could be argued that the jehovah's witness religion is obessed with it's own growth.
what kind of non-profit organization puts general growth in such high esteem?
non-profit companies are suppose to have a mission; a purpose.
thats why they have so much of a concentrated effort at preaching in african and spanish territories around the world. there is alot of growth! the only thing is that there's not alot of ??money to be made. although they will still get the herds of sheep to band together to build a kingdom hall. the catholic influence there is quite strong so i imagine they make a customary donation everytime they attend. id say the western countries are pretty much stagnant if not slightly down. they are going after the low paying high volume with the hispanic and african population. the money streams in nonetheless.
by SatoriCE inthe topic of earthquakes marking the "last days" was brought up with interactions i have had with a few different witnesses.
can someone please explain the exact significance of earthquakes that jw's have?!
can you please also include any links to actual facts that contradict their views of earthquakes.
its quite simple. earthquakes have always been a part of this world going back many many years before the wts even came into existense. the thing before is that they didnt have the technology and communications as we have today. 1000 years ago, even 100 years ago what was happening in one part of the world did not get relayed as it does today. the flow of information today is yes we are always bombarded with reports of natural disasters all over the world which seems to fit the wts view on this. is there actually increased activity...not really. there are just as many earthquakes now then before...we just hear more about it. google major earthquakes in history and youll find a boatload of major disasters which occurred in history but that you and i have never heard about much less someone on the other end of the world. you can also google the national hurricane centre and youll see that the reported earthquakes are pretty much the same.
Only the Governing Body is the FDS
by Listener ini hadn't noticed this before but the governing body is actually saying that they only are the faithful & discreet slave.. watchtower 2009 6/15 para 18 .
similarly, today a limited number of anointed men have the responsibility of representing the slave class.
they make up the governing body of jehovahs witnesses.
i thought the fds class were the annointed. arent the gb members all "annointed"?? this cult is so f'ing mixed up in its doctrines i dont think anyone actually know what they mean when they speak.
Keep Your Eye Simple Brothers
by sleepingbeauty inbeth sarim, san diego.
you all know why this was built i think ?
looks a bit over the top to me all that expense and nobody to live in it, untill rutherford landed there after of course.
nothin new. jw's and the wts are known for their....wait...hold it....hypocrisy!!
Why are witnesses being "Persecuted" in certain countries?
by finallyfree! infor the most part this "persecution" is confined to countries where political balance can change on the drop of a dime.
watchtower witnesses who go door to door will speak of their religious views which include not voting or supporting the political parties.
where the watchtower control a percentage of the population through their kingdom halls and they turn people off from voting they have in effect formed their own type of independant political organization.
hmmm...if i were a radical leftist political party, id almost say they are asking for it. theres a difference between serving god and doing what you percieve to be his will and stupidly putting your life on the line for the 2 cents