lol! yep so true!! my ex had the same experience with her re-instatement. she didnt get word back so she asked the elder in charge of her case and he said they needed more time. went back and forth and finally her biatch meddling mother went to the elder and asked him what was going on. she got back in a couple weeks after.
JoinedPosts by finallyfree!
It is truly a "Dog & Pony" Show !
by Pitchess Co-Gen inmy bother ( who i don't really talk too because of a different issue with him ) and i got disfellowshipped on the same day ( 2/28/09 ).
ive been pretty inconstant when it comes to meeting attendance ( i haven't been in more than six months ), while ever sence my brother and his wife had a baby he's been super regular at the meeting ( nine months straight without missing one meeting !).
when he turned in his reinstatement letter ( by the way he moved to a new congregation ).
Evolution of a Con
by Resistance is Futile inhelp me out here, ive never been a jw (family are in the cult) but im trying to fully understand the madness that is their doctrine and subsequent mind control over their captive members.
its seems logical that they will eventually abandon the 144,000 doctrine as being a literal number.
time is the enemy of a false prophet.
when all the annointed generation and all the other overlapping generations are dead, the then reigning governing body will claim to be spirit directed from christ and the 144000 to take care of their earthly possessions or some bs like that. the nice part about being cult leaders is that you get unconditional loyalty from your followers.
Are you open minded?
by TimothyT ini figured it would be fun if i wrote this, went for a shower, and then came back to check how many have responded!.
just to set the scene, im currently a jw in the uk but i am having issues with my sexuality.
i have just come back from the ministry with a group of brothers!
personally after exiting the jw's i was a close minded raging bible thumper, i hated gays/lesbians and the "world" in general.
now i have several close friends who are gay/lesbian and from all kinds of different backgrounds. they are some of the most sincere peeps i ever met, all cuz i took my head outta my ass and woke up.
ive come to see the world with a whole different perspective now that i am out.
Is Being In A "Relationship" Important To You?
by minimus ini am referring to a personal/sexual relationship with someone, perhaps, that you could possibly love.. i know a lot of people who are very content to date, possibly have sex and look for another partner..
relationships are all the same in my books...not worth the hassle. most women are only after what they can get out of you, whether that may be money, presents, wining and dining, having a good time, emotional crutch or a stepping stone from the last relationship. it all starts off nice and rosy, then turns to shit.
i have no problem playing their game in terms of having a good time etc..but anything over and above that is off limits for me now. i am of course a jaded s.o.b but hey ive got my reasons.
The Watchtower Org will continue to abuse and control people...
by Scooby-Doo in... unless we become organized as well!.
that's the key to making the public aware of the abuse that gets swept under the rug, the way family relationships become destroyed because of shunning, the changes in doctrine throughout the years, the methods that they use to control people etc.
the general public in most cases view the witnesses as nice, harmless weirdos.
scooby ur right! look at what is going on with the catholic church! theres a new lawsuit every week it seems and new victims coming out all the time. the wts could be majorly hurt if a similiar series of events were to unfold for them. imagine the scandal in the paper every week! lol!
Want to be a cult leader?? Just follow these steps.
by whereami inwho doesn't want to have loyal zombies following you blindly?.
wanna be a cult leader? just become an elder, then work your way up the ladder and become a co. proceed to bethel and kiss lots of ass and you will one day end up a member of the governing body.
make sure to bring lots of chapstick if you make it to the bethel part as you'll especially need it!
How can they claim that every prophecy in the bible has a greater fulfilment today???
by highdose inseems that the gb take every story they can in the bible and claim that although it happened then, it will also happen now.
although this time it will be the gb who is jehosophat, david, paul, jermiah... etc etc take your pick.
what scriptual basis do they have for this belief??
it makes no friggin sense!! its a liberty the wts has taken to confuse and mess with peoples heads. they bombard people so much with bs information that people dont know what to think.
You jackasses in Bethel or at the Branch, need to cut me a check.........
by miseryloveselders intuesday night, i drove to a couple of older sister's homes, and dropped off their magazines, and kindom ministries.
thursday night, i went to the meeting and cleaned and locked up the building.
i also dropped someone off who earlier recieved a ride to the hall but their ride couldn't come back to take them home.
yep gotta love that "conditional love" that they arere so famous for. volunteers??? id say more like birds flying south for the winter, cuz they are programmed to...
You jackasses in Bethel or at the Branch, need to cut me a check.........
by miseryloveselders intuesday night, i drove to a couple of older sister's homes, and dropped off their magazines, and kindom ministries.
thursday night, i went to the meeting and cleaned and locked up the building.
i also dropped someone off who earlier recieved a ride to the hall but their ride couldn't come back to take them home.
one would think that with the recession and fuel prices being sky high, that the governing body would make a "provision" for the faithful servants who burn out their vehicles for them in this time of the end. maybe like x-amount per mile or even a gas card or something...even "worldly" companies do this. but...
at the watchtower corp...its all about workin for the men at the top and fuck the good witnesses afterall you are just a "good for nothing slave" according to them.
be happy they dont disfellowship you and curbstomp ur ass after they kick it to the street.
Not dated in a while - could use some tips, advice lol
by callitquits76 ini guess the title says it all, but i'll expand.. recently met this beautiful girl who through another party expressed her interest in me which was quite flattering to be honest.
im a 27 year old guy and truth is that i have really struggled with this kind of stuff since leaving the dubs a few years back now.
i guess i still have their theories floating around in my head, you know, all the old rubbish about dating some of which goes back to that youth book.. we spoke today for the first time properly and i think it's game on.
first off...stop highjackin the poor guys post!!
now as for chix and dating, dont think they are all the innocent girly types. they are after one thing when its at this as us guys!! yep they will do exactly what you want em to if you know what to look for and are able to read between the lines.
girls like: a confident guy but not too much as that can pass for bein cocky. a funny guy. slip in a few lines in the evening. make her laugh. dont try too hard though. chix luv outgoing guys too, put on natures makeup and smile! it melts em. and make sure when you talk to em to look em in the eyes, you can know exactly what shes thinkin.
the best thing to do for a first date in my books is just go for a coffee or a beer/drink. chitchat get to know her a bit. if all is well and you both hit it off, then ask her if shes hungry. grab a bite, go to the park and swing, take her for a walk. oh and they dont say it outright but woman love it when you notice them. tell her her hair is nice or her nails or whatever you see she has taken the time to accentuate. be a gentleman and pay for dinner if you wanna score a few points, although 50/50 these days is perfectly normal, maybe grab the wine tab. when you talk to her make sure to dwell on her. youll notice she will dwell on you too so youll both have all kinds of time to get to know each other. if you have a differing opinion, dont agree with her just because shes a girl, argue a bit! chix love debating and get turned on by a guy who is comfy in his own pants and sticks up for what he believes in.
most important is have fun!! dont push anything. let her work for you and not the other way around!! im telling you that girls go crazy when they see something they cant have. and theyre so used to getting whatever guy they want that it totally mindfux them when you arent the typical ill fuck ya the first night kinda guy, although if that happens its good too, cuz we all need to get laid right..? be urself, dont get shitfaced and make sure if ya take her home that you cover up before ya hit da sack!(make sure to mow the lawn before if ya follow ;) oh and make sure ya know what to do with her!! its when you nail a "worldly" chick that you discover what you dont know about sex. lol!