3 strings of mardis gras beads and a kitty-cat-ears headband (from halloween)
JoinedPosts by jst_me
A Little Car Fluff
by forgetmenot inwhat do you have hanging from your car's rear-view mirror?.
i have two stuffed pandas hanging from my car's rear-view mirror.
one of them was my first christmas present from my sister.
by Elsewhere inthese people are trying to set me up.. i was brought in to migrate a web site to a new server.
when i finished they suddenly discover a serious problem on the new site.
as it turns out, i can demonstrate that the serious problem exists on the original site too.. i called the support desk to ask them if they have been getting any calls about this, they say no.
Your post made me think of a book that I have been reading called "The 12 Bad Habits that Hold Good People Back". (I, too, am a techie working with a bunch of non-tecnical people in the training dept of a huge IT company.)
The comment you made, "He is trying to do the same thing the bOrg does... force me to deny what I know to be true and believe a lie" is actually black and white thinking that is imposed upon us while we are JWs (I think it is way worse if you grew up in the truth). There is a chapter about people who think in black and white, and how it affects their careers, and how to change the way you respond to things so that they work out for your good.
The book is really great, I am about half-way through it and have learned alot of new strategies. The 1st chapter is "never feeling good enough", that really hit home with me. I love my job, I hate the political BS that goes with it, but I am trying to learn how to play their games so I can keep doing stuff I love.
what does grace mean to JHW?
by evangelist ini would like to know what the grace of god mean to jhw, and why they try to work for something that is a gift and is free from god?.
maybe some one can help with this information.
I never heard of the concept of grace until I went back to college and had to study Flannery O'Connor. Grace is a beautiful concept to me.
who is your favorite super hero?
by heathen inwhen i was young i used to love reading comic books and still have a collection.the marvel commics were always my favorite.although i liked alot of the different characters i would have to say spiderman was my favorite .i can't wait to see the movie it looks so cool from the previews.so common i know some of ya are into comics ,let's have it whose your favorite super hero or villian?
he he
hey nyyank
the job is great, corporate politics suck. how are you?
My son contemplates suicide.
by dmouse inmy 14 year old son, benjamin, confided in me last night that he almost tried to commit suicide this week, he felt so low.. he has been brought up as a jw by his mum all his short life and until recently totally believed all the crap.
although he has not been baptised yet he expressed the desire to pioneer and go to bethel.. then, in the past few months, he suddenly woke up and smelt what he was shovelling.. my son is an extremely gregarious, likable boy with lots of friends in the congregation.
he is always invited to the get-togethers etc.
I had to take my daughter to counseling, as she tried to kill herself when she was about 12. She is clinically shy, very incredible girl but she has a hard time with socializing (quite the opposite from your boy!) You cannot play around with suicide threats, not to mention an attempt. I would go to his dr, and get him a good check-up. Besides the fact that the stupid "elders" are putting far more stress on him than any teenager should have to bear, it would be good to make sure there are no underlying medical reasons for his depression. I bet his dr would freak if he knew what kind of situation he is in...
With my daughter, they put her on zoloft for about 6 mos to get her out of her depression. She goes to a counselor, to get social training (I shudder to think what would have happened to her if we would have stayed in...), she also has something called sensory integration disorder, which basically means she has a hard time dealing with some sensory distractions (and to think I spanked that poor baby cuz the old sisters told me it would make her less fussy...yikes). She works very hard to stay off meds..she is still really shy...but she is turning into an incredible young woman.
ANYWAYS...I know your son's situation is alot different, but I would go to the dr and tell him what's up. I remember when I was about 16, and told my mother I didn't want to be a JW cuz I didn't believe it. She smacked me in the face, and they cut off any of my outside association and made me study aLOT and an elder's wife studied with me. I turned into a good jw girl because I wanted my family to love me, I couldn't take the stress anymore and I caved. I didn't have anyone to help me see that it WAS ok to think differently, and so I got married at 19 and had my 1st kid at 20. I could have gone to college free when I was 17, instead of struggling thru as a single mom ten years later. Your son has YOU. He looks so full of life and goofy....help him hang on to that.
who is your favorite super hero?
by heathen inwhen i was young i used to love reading comic books and still have a collection.the marvel commics were always my favorite.although i liked alot of the different characters i would have to say spiderman was my favorite .i can't wait to see the movie it looks so cool from the previews.so common i know some of ya are into comics ,let's have it whose your favorite super hero or villian?
he he
green lantern. He can beat superman (who is strong but DUMB) anytime.
He has real superpowers...unlike batman who relies on stuff.does hurricane helm count? I love that guy
The WT and Native Americans
by Valis ini was just browsing the officail wt site...hmmm i thought we were, but just for the sake of this post i'll admit going there.
they have an article at the url below which i thought was hillarious.
it talks about how the native americans are facing more and more assimilation and the destruction of thier indigenous culture by "the world".
What a weird tone this article has. Like they are reaching out to embrace all of the noble savages that may be left in America.
I know for a fact that my mother and grandmother became JWs because of the earthly hope. Its almost like the article is saying, well your ways are doomed, of course none of your prophecies about the future could be true, you should be jws so you can live forever on the earth.
Abaddon - Re: WASPs
by borgfree inabaddon,.
i was going to answer your post in the thread where you posted but thought it better to not continue the discussion on that thread which was for a diferrent topic.. you say: quote: "yeah, all those wasp's working on railroads, and in restauraunts, and in poorly-paid factory jobs whilst the blacks, irish, polish, scandanavian, other non-anglo protestants, roman catholics and the latino's sat around in highly paid jobs benefitting from the sweat of the wasp's.... ... oh, no, sorry, it was the wasp's tending to sit around in highly paid jobs, whilst the roman catholics, blacks, irish, polish, scandanvians, other non-anglo protestants, and the latinos did the hard poorly paid jobs.... the wasp's built america?
like, yeah.
That was a nice overview of my nation's history beginning from contact, but it is just recent history.
As far as the claim you bolded in red, I am not sure what your point is. The Indian Claims Commission was established as the result of an act of Congress in 1946. It made it possible for tribes to sue the US for any lands that the fed govt had taken based on aboriginal title. Aboriginal title is the concept that where Indian tribes had lived on and used the land to the exclusion of others they had a right to occupancy, and the land could only be sold to outside parties subject to that Indian right of occupancy.
The Indian Claims Commission Act authorized recovery of aborigianl lands based on 3 rules: treaties were revised based on fraud, the US govt took land without fair compensation, or claims based on fair dealings are not recognized by any rule of law.
Now, the Cherokee Outlet lands were the Indian Territory in Oklahoma. These lands in Oklahoma had been promised in a treaty signed by Andrew Jackson that if the Cherokees would get the heck out of their homeland, they could have these lands for as long as the river flows, as long as the grass grows, as long as the wind blows. Or until more land was needed for settlers as the case turned out. The Cherokee Outlet is a piece of land that is 8,144,722.35 acres wide. The Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma was left with about seven million acres of land. So, this was a big deal, half of the land that was promised by treaty to the Cherokee nation, land that was payment for them leaving their homeland in GA, NC, AL, and TN, was taken back. The new act that took the Outlet gave them $1.40 per acre.
Once the Indian Claims Commission was in place, the Cherokee Nation was able to sue for the underpayment of the land, and recieved 15 million dollars which represented a 2/3 undervaluation at the time of the forced sale in 1893. What the nation was not allowed to collect was interest, which would have been condiderable. The court found in their favor because the sale took place under duress.
Now, my family never went to OK. My family is from Georgia. It is interesting that you can highlight the date that the US tried to make ammends for a small tract of land with a very nominal amount of money, and completely overlook the reasons why there are any Cherokee people in Oklahoma at all. Now that is an interesting story from a legal perspective, let me tell ya.
I got some of the amts and dates and that from this website:
Abaddon - Re: WASPs
by borgfree inabaddon,.
i was going to answer your post in the thread where you posted but thought it better to not continue the discussion on that thread which was for a diferrent topic.. you say: quote: "yeah, all those wasp's working on railroads, and in restauraunts, and in poorly-paid factory jobs whilst the blacks, irish, polish, scandanavian, other non-anglo protestants, roman catholics and the latino's sat around in highly paid jobs benefitting from the sweat of the wasp's.... ... oh, no, sorry, it was the wasp's tending to sit around in highly paid jobs, whilst the roman catholics, blacks, irish, polish, scandanvians, other non-anglo protestants, and the latinos did the hard poorly paid jobs.... the wasp's built america?
like, yeah.
I am Cherokee. I know my nation's history, and what my grandmothers went through to preserve what has been preserved until now. I would never say that they lived in horrid conditions at contact (Indian nations had a better standard of living than any of the European nations at that time), nor would I say that the reasons our lands were lost to the Americans is because we couldn't hold them. It is alot more complicated than that.
For whoever said that Indian people had no concept of land ownership, from an anglo-European standpoint I guess that was true. It just shows how much you know about American history.....the history of governments and nations being active on this continent goes back thousands of years....not the mere 250 years of WASP presence.
I agree that our country is being pulled apart...but that is because those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Until the injustices that were handed out to our people are brought to light, until people recognize that there are consequences for enslaving people and attempting to erase the memory of people in order to preserve some silly american mission statement....this country will never be able to unite. It is as simple as that.
Abaddon - Re: WASPs
by borgfree inabaddon,.
i was going to answer your post in the thread where you posted but thought it better to not continue the discussion on that thread which was for a diferrent topic.. you say: quote: "yeah, all those wasp's working on railroads, and in restauraunts, and in poorly-paid factory jobs whilst the blacks, irish, polish, scandanavian, other non-anglo protestants, roman catholics and the latino's sat around in highly paid jobs benefitting from the sweat of the wasp's.... ... oh, no, sorry, it was the wasp's tending to sit around in highly paid jobs, whilst the roman catholics, blacks, irish, polish, scandanvians, other non-anglo protestants, and the latinos did the hard poorly paid jobs.... the wasp's built america?
like, yeah.
What about the nations that originally owned the lands on this continent? Did they just give up all rights to these lands? Did they welcome all these WASP-y people into the "new world" and allow them to settle where-ever they pleased with no second thought? Did the things that happened to my relations 200+ years have no impact on the political and social climate of people today?
History is alot more complicated than we have been taught.
Also, looking at historical issues that affect how people live today is truly using the same black-and-white thinking that the JWs taught us to use for all those years.
Oh yeah...and hey Abaddon!