I went to school when I was 28 with two kids...a single df'd mom with family who believe the only way to save me is to shun me and offer me no help at all.
I started at community college, then transferred and got my 4 year degree, which I totally recommend.
I HAD a good job in the technology sector, but the bastards layed me off in April. I am just waiting on my reccomendation letters so that I can start on my MBA.
I wasnt working long enough to save a ton of money, but I still think with loans I can swing it. First thing to do is fill out that FAFSA and make sure you do it ONLINE. Then I would make an appointment with an admissions counselor and let them know what you want to do....and they will tell you how to do it. If you are broke, they will be happy to tell you how to spend all that grant money at THEIR college.
The best advice I got when I was trying to decide if I wanted to go to school was that if I kept waiting for the best time, I would never even start. In 4 years, you could be graduating or still trying to figure out if you could swing it or not.
Hell I did it on my own with kids, so I know anyone could do it. My advice is to pick science or a medical field.....damn those technology managers~!