My ex is bi-polar, and was going to the dr for that. They decided he was probably schitophrenic as well, but he got scared and the brothers who were counseling him laughed at him and he would not go back to the doctor.
I cannot remember a time during our entire marriage he did not talk about killing himself. I would watch what I did, what the kids did, everything so I wouldn't set him off so he wouldn't kill himself. Then sometimes I wished he would just do it so that he woud get resurrected and I wouldn't have to deal with it anymore. Then, I did the worst thing I could have ever done, but it was the only way out of that marriage that I could see. I knew he would kill himself if I left him, but I thought if I cheated on him then he would be free to marry again, plus everyone would rally round him and he would have support. (what WAS I thinking??)
Well, needless to say, that was a dumb idea and he wanted us to stay together and work it out so I decided well I better confess this so that I will have Jehovah's blessing. Of course, the ex got suicidal again, and tried to kill himself so I had him committed. The night he was committed was my meeting. I didnt cry, I dont think I could feel anything at all to be honest I was worn out, also I would not give them any details because I just did not have the strength for it. So, of course, even though I confessed my sin to them I was df'd. And do you think anyone visited my ex the entire time he was in there? Hell no.