Thank you for your thoughts. As I explained in the past to Farkel I am not experience enough, young enough nor smart enough to respond line for line. I’m more into concepts then obsessing over technicalities. But admittedly technicalities are the foundation of concepts so I will try to address some of your issues.
”I think you have to come out and define what you understand to be freedom? I am extremely skeptic to the concept of “freedom” as it appears in the Bible.
Neither Jesus nor Paul seemed to have any real idea about what freedom is”.
Total freedom. Please do not judge me are my comments on the basis of what Christendom has said or done, nor by what the WT teaches. Neither of us go along with that. However, the freedom Jesus and Paul spoke of may have been different issues. Paul’s message was vital but limited to freedom from guilt and works of self justification, but in Hebrews he touched on the bigger issues of total freedom.
“According to the Bible Jesus told us that we had to “believe” in him or else. If we don’t we do not deserve to exist. So his freedom is “do as I say or burn in hell forever.” Paul’s message isn’t much better.”
Agreed, belief in him is necessary. Is this an infringement of freedom? What man is not dying. So here is someone saying reach out to me and I will pull you out of this. Are we going to resent his offer and complain he is telling us what to do?
As for “do as I say or burn in hell forever” respectfully Norm, I don’t see that in the Bible. I quoted earlier Mat 11:29 where Jesus implores us to accept relief. He agrees religion has oppressed us and offers “refreshment”.
“History show us that the Christianity has made overwhelmingly more problems than it has ever solved. The Watchtower Society has adopted Jesus idea and given it their own slant, they say “join our organization or die.” The Watchtower Society is also an excellent representative of the fundamentalist branch of Christendom in the sense that they have been able to stamp “problems” out of thin air, and found problems where non have existed”
We agree again. Although I have not separated myself from them I would not be here if I wanted to defend them. In an above post to Mommy I said, “they have made up a hierarchy that make the Pharisees look like passive liberals.”
The issues are what the Bible really says about freedom and how Jesus will bring this, not how abusers of authority have misrepresented it.
This is where I disagree with much of what Bishop Spong had to say.
His frequent references to Jesus belief in fiery Hell and torment is I believe a concept unsupported in scripture. I admit I’m relatively knew at looking at the scriptures with open eyes but it seems Biship Spong is arguing against flawed theology of Christendom rather than a flaw man. The teachings and the actions of professed Christians done in the name of Christ are not an indictment of Jesus but again an indictment of those who abuse authority in the name of God or Jesus.
If we take any man or work and pick at it we will find what appear to be flaws and contradictions. Bishop Spong will find flaws, another such as Gandhi will praise him. To kill a tree, destroy a herd of pigs for one mans freedom or finally in the last week of his life condemn his enemies knowing they are plotting to kill him does not destroy the substance of what he taught in my mind.
:“The Bible is an extremely unreliable source to use when it comes to freedom, moral and authority. Tales of atrocities and horror written by people steeped in the superstition they portray in the Bible are very poor guides to a better life. Mankind was slowly able to wrestle out of the stranglehold of Christendom by enlightenment and science, while fighting against a Church that wanted to kill all knowledge. Democracy, freedom and the way of life we enjoy today was opposed every inch by Christians and it still is in many parts of the world.”
Agree with all but first line, “The Bible is an extremely unreliable source to use when it comes to freedom, moral and authority”. The Hebrew scriptures is a discussion of its own. Nearly everything contained there is a model of what God does not want. Granted, if the accounts are historical, God authorized, even demanded a lot of disturbing behavior. But as to freedom, God let man choose his course and now it was a mess. Everything he did with the Jews was a drama of how not to find freedom from guilt, oppression and death. No wonder Jesus was so opposed when he came with an entirely different message. He was the Reality that their bloody history pointed to. All that experience was a “shadow” of what God really had in mind. (Col. 2:17) It was so radically different from what you and I object to that the people of his time feared his teaching and killed him.
Now I’m exhausted. You got more out of me than I have available. I hope I was clear and inoffensive in my explanation. I may appear as a hopeless bible thumper to you but I believe God is Love as He claims and all the things you and I find unsettling is much more than that to him. The mess we are in He could have prevented but only at the cost of our FREEDOM. At least we seem to share a disdain for religionist who use fear, ignorance and their pretence of authority over us to control and harm people. We may only differ on who is responsible.