Hello AK
I believe it is not that hard to define what is meant by faith and works. Please bear with me while I attemp.
Faith, ‘assured expectation of things not beheld’ covers a host of expectations. In the faith vs. works debate you have to look at WHAT works. The issue up to Jesus’ time was works of Justification with God by means of sacrifices and laws contained in the Hebrew scriptures. This is what Paul is speaking of almost exclusively in Romans, Galatians and the book of Hebrews. The entire message of the Hebrew scriptures was an extensive codification of what works man must do to get right with God. Jesus arrived and ‘fulfilled’ the law with his payment of his life to end all that old law code.
So Paul’s message was by ‘works no man can get right with God’.
Rom 3:27-28
27 Then what can we boast about doing to earn our salvation? Nothing at all. Why? Because our acquittal is not based on our good deeds; it is based on what Christ has done and our faith in him. 28 So it is that we are saved by faith in Christ and not by the good things we do.
It is a wonderful thought isn’t it, to think we don’t have to do anything to get right with God. It’s a free gift he gives us. All us former guilt stricken victims of the ‘Your Not Good Enough Unless’ religions, can throw our arms up and say “its over, my dark quest for justification is finished, I am right with God.”
So now lets suppose we have that faith. But we have friends who are still enslaved to the ‘Your Not Good Enough Unless’ religions? Do we have LOVE for them? Can we keep quiet? Will not your faith and love move you to share this good news with them? (Rom. 10:9-15) If you did not and your friends later learned this good news from someone else, wouldn’t they question why you did nothing? If a person says they love someone but never spoke to them, help them or rescue them when in need, wouldn’t it appear that their claim is false or their love is dead. In this context it would also appear their Faith was dead. You see, these are works of a totally different nature. Works of love and faith are from a completely different motivation.
I hope this helps show there is no conflict, AK. I am working on more on this subject and will later provide a website for your review.
I would be glad to hear form you.
editted fore speling