Hell only makes sense if you ignore it's original meanings in hebrew. "grave or pit"
JoinedPosts by debator
Thinking about going to HELL
by Smoky ini got to thinking about death the other day, now that holloween is here.
this thought is only in reference to dying before armeggedon.. they idea of heaven and hell, in the non-jw christian world is: if your good you go to heaven.
if your bad you go to hell.
So I just got called a narcissist
by sabastious inmy family knows that i post on this forum (they have a packet of print outs of topics i have started) and they know about my videos on youtube.. they have made a demand that i cease all internet communication with the apostate community and then they will have me back.. i have refused.. they say i am a narcissist because i am ignoring the feelings of my family because they are very hurt by the things i am doing on the internet and speaking out against the religion.. interesting since they had to search out my posts and videos to gather evidence of apostasy.. -sab.
HI sab
It's okay, I have enjoyed this debate. It is a fine line between promoting God's true faith and as part of that pointing out the falseness of other religions and false teachings which niether Jesus or Paul balked at doing but for anyone to simply make destruction of a a particular faith your goal and aim is unhealthy.
We do not want to personally destroy False religion (I once had a born-again denomination say he would enjoy killing false religion's followers at armageddon alongside Jesus and even had the sword ready for it) Jehovah will do that in his own time through his son but not us. All we want to do is save as many people as we can from false religion and it's false teachings so they can partake in Jehovah's life-saving kingdom message.
So I just got called a narcissist
by sabastious inmy family knows that i post on this forum (they have a packet of print outs of topics i have started) and they know about my videos on youtube.. they have made a demand that i cease all internet communication with the apostate community and then they will have me back.. i have refused.. they say i am a narcissist because i am ignoring the feelings of my family because they are very hurt by the things i am doing on the internet and speaking out against the religion.. interesting since they had to search out my posts and videos to gather evidence of apostasy.. -sab.
Hi sweetbaby
I do not answer personal questions but I am a practicing wtness.
So I just got called a narcissist
by sabastious inmy family knows that i post on this forum (they have a packet of print outs of topics i have started) and they know about my videos on youtube.. they have made a demand that i cease all internet communication with the apostate community and then they will have me back.. i have refused.. they say i am a narcissist because i am ignoring the feelings of my family because they are very hurt by the things i am doing on the internet and speaking out against the religion.. interesting since they had to search out my posts and videos to gather evidence of apostasy.. -sab.
HI Sab
I have read 1984 and no they are not like that. We are our own thought police if we read the bible and recognise why we are given the principles we live by as Christians.
Matthew 5:28
But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.The freedom people want in this world ultimately leads to hurting others, veneration of self and social breakdown.
2 Peter 2:19
They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity—for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him. -
So I just got called a narcissist
by sabastious inmy family knows that i post on this forum (they have a packet of print outs of topics i have started) and they know about my videos on youtube.. they have made a demand that i cease all internet communication with the apostate community and then they will have me back.. i have refused.. they say i am a narcissist because i am ignoring the feelings of my family because they are very hurt by the things i am doing on the internet and speaking out against the religion.. interesting since they had to search out my posts and videos to gather evidence of apostasy.. -sab.
Hi lise
I go on the doors offering Jehovah's kingdom message rarely do I mention false religion usually only if brought up by the householder. Recognising false religion as apposed to God's truth is only a small part of being one of God's people. Paul himself had to deal with this and became very unpopular in the countries were people left their false god's and religions to become Christians and thus not a source of income for their leaders.
Are you still a christian how would you teach Christianity to a hindu? how would you address their belief in god's that are not Jehovah? Would you have the strength to say these are not real but Jehovah is?
I have many a trinitarian tell me I will get condemned because I do not recognise Jesus as almighty God but only as God's son.
Having confidence in your faith being the truth is not condemning other religions but a recognition of yourselves as God's people. false religions condemn themselves by being false. All you can do is offer people a chance to leave them for Jehovah's true kingdom message.
I have taken time myself to look at what religions are on offer and IMO only Jehovah's witnesses are Jehovah's people by word, deed and commitment.
So I just got called a narcissist
by sabastious inmy family knows that i post on this forum (they have a packet of print outs of topics i have started) and they know about my videos on youtube.. they have made a demand that i cease all internet communication with the apostate community and then they will have me back.. i have refused.. they say i am a narcissist because i am ignoring the feelings of my family because they are very hurt by the things i am doing on the internet and speaking out against the religion.. interesting since they had to search out my posts and videos to gather evidence of apostasy.. -sab.
Hi Outlaw
I have never said I am a woman or a man. That is your presumption including assigning previous posters to me. but I rarely read your posts. Their shallow mockery is very off-putting.
So I just got called a narcissist
by sabastious inmy family knows that i post on this forum (they have a packet of print outs of topics i have started) and they know about my videos on youtube.. they have made a demand that i cease all internet communication with the apostate community and then they will have me back.. i have refused.. they say i am a narcissist because i am ignoring the feelings of my family because they are very hurt by the things i am doing on the internet and speaking out against the religion.. interesting since they had to search out my posts and videos to gather evidence of apostasy.. -sab.
Hi sab
what huge problem? if being bearded is your only example? Being modest, clean in appearance is a bible principle. anymore you care to offer?
tattooing? again principle jewish law and then against defiling our flesh as christian principle.
Our shepherds have to do their job and that includes helping us live as a clean Jehovah-loving flock. We see this in action with Paul's letters as he gives reems of instructions to the congregations on everyday aspects of their lifes as Christians using christian principle.
He gives instructions for a brother to be expelled due to immorality setting it as a principle. Division making is set in place as a principle. These are all biblical as is having shepherds that actually do their job not just read a sermon from a pulpit.
Brothers Be Happy - WT Study for October 25-32, Earnestly Seek Jehovah's Blessing...
by jgnat init's no good just to go through the motions.
to achieve jehovah's blessings, the brothers and sisters must have the right heart motivation; to conduct their work in joy and love and remind themselves that the load is not burdensome.. but what if the work is boring and burdensome?
what if in the organization and scheduling of "god's organization", the spirit of the law has been lost?.
hi jgnat
It is god-assigned work they recognise this with joy but also recognise it is a job that needs doing. Jesus spent 3 half years solidly preaching. Did he think preaching, teaching, travelling from city to city as boring? He recognised it as hard, tiring, emotional, difficult but joyful work.
Is it boring according to this worlds standard of pleasure seeking self-obsession? definitely according to them but then we are not part of this world and it's ways.
So I just got called a narcissist
by sabastious inmy family knows that i post on this forum (they have a packet of print outs of topics i have started) and they know about my videos on youtube.. they have made a demand that i cease all internet communication with the apostate community and then they will have me back.. i have refused.. they say i am a narcissist because i am ignoring the feelings of my family because they are very hurt by the things i am doing on the internet and speaking out against the religion.. interesting since they had to search out my posts and videos to gather evidence of apostasy.. -sab.
Hi simon
we simply conform to the cultural standard of being well-groomed. Being bearded was very much a statement against authority in recent decades and now this is fading as is the rule against it for the same reason and hense why more brothers have neat beards these days. The principle is to be well-groomed according to the current standard of a country.
I am not going to lose sleep over whether I can be bearded or not. that seems a little gnit-picky of you? Our leaders are given a certain amount of autonomous rule within the flock. We are not told to wear a uniform but to be tidy and neat according to modesty within these times and bible principle. In bible times a skirt cut below the knees would be seen as extremely immodest as would a t-shirt top.
Applying bible principle in modern settings is a good part of our shepherds jobs so we don't lose the flavour of bible principles.
We don't wear a uniform, we can easily show our individuality without needing to goto immodest extremes or making bold statements in uncleanliness.
So I just got called a narcissist
by sabastious inmy family knows that i post on this forum (they have a packet of print outs of topics i have started) and they know about my videos on youtube.. they have made a demand that i cease all internet communication with the apostate community and then they will have me back.. i have refused.. they say i am a narcissist because i am ignoring the feelings of my family because they are very hurt by the things i am doing on the internet and speaking out against the religion.. interesting since they had to search out my posts and videos to gather evidence of apostasy.. -sab.
Hi Sab
Trying to divide the shepherds and the sheep is not an argument I ever fell for. I chose to be a witness because of what they teach in accordance with the bible. I do not credit or debit these teachings against the shepherds, they simply do the jobs assigned to them as overseers by giving us Jehovah's word though his bible and son Jesus. We have to have overseers, and shepherds it is what we are told to do biblically and Jehovah blesses those that do his will as he has us and ours.
Beating against authority is simply beating against the bible because we will always be under Jehovah's rule if no-one else so we have no choice or at least we do but I do not fancy the price that rejecting Jehovah's sovereignty brings.