So I just got called a narcissist

by sabastious 179 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious

    My family knows that I post on this forum (they have a packet of print outs of topics I have started) and they know about my videos on youtube.

    They have made a demand that I cease all internet communication with the Apostate Community and then they will have me back.

    I have refused.

    They say I am a narcissist because I am ignoring the feelings of my family because they are very hurt by the things I am doing on the internet and speaking out against the religion.

    Interesting since they had to search out my posts and videos to gather evidence of apostasy.


  • SweetBabyCheezits

    How dare you have an opinion and speak openly about it! That's just sick! Everyone knows that viewpoints should be kept to one's self. (Except WTBTS viewpoints.)

  • tec

    Then anyone who has ever taken a stand to do something right, even though it causes pain for their loved ones, is a narcissist.


  • mrsjones5

    They called you a narcissist to hurt you and force you to stop. Sometimes shame works if the person is doing something wrong but you're not. Plus, they don't know what "narcissist" really means. Maybe a dictionary would help?

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    I guess Galileo was another narcissistic bastard who was pressured to recant and stop holding & teaching different views than were commonly held. (geocentrism vs heliocentrism)

  • believingxjw

    Your family are the ones in a religion that forces loved ones apart for only disagreeing with their religious leadership something the Apostle Paul did not do. They also in word and deed continue to support a system that requires people to die not on the basis of what the Bible says about blood but on what a group of men decide is "blood", a changing designation that has resulted in people dying for refusing a banned fraction of blood in the past but today would have lived because the Watchtower leadership changes like the wind.

    You are not a narcissist, you are following reason, common sense and even, like or not, imitating the teachings of the Christ. Love our brother, not shun him, not kill him with forced changing doctrine and allow him the dignity of his own mind and heart.

    Jesus said the truth will set us free. Those who have truth, who claim to teach the truth Christ taught, set people free they do not bind them with rules and oral laws as the Pharisees of Jesus' day did. If a Christian is not free he is not in a Christ loving religion.

  • VampireDCLXV

    Ironic, considering that JW's, as a group, are a most arrogant, stuck up bunch...


  • debator

    The question is why do you have to be so actively apposed to witnesses?

    You have chosen to publically denounce and taking an active oppostion to everything Jehovah's witnesses stand for.

    You are not only saying witnesses are not the choice for you but then going that step further into apostasy which means you actively set yourself up against them trying to stumble others via youtube out of the witnesses.

    I think your parents make a fair point if you are actively against witnesses how could you live with two Jehovah's witnesses in such a hostile position without it causing a lot of trouble for you all?

    He is not just being a different belief but has chosen to appose witnesses and is active in his opposition.

  • VampireDCLXV

    Debator. PISS OFF!


  • SweetBabyCheezits
    The question is why do you have to be so actively apposed to witnesses?

    Debator, the question is why do you have to be so actively opposed to non-witness religions?

    Correct me if I'm wrong but your religion has no shame in going door-to-door "exposing false religion" yet we're supposed to stay quiet??

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