I always look forward to your comments Blondie. Thanks!
What was going through my mind as I was reading this was how hard it was to grasp what exactly the article was trying to say. Referencing ancient Israel and comparing it to Jesus dafoy then comparing it to today. Very confusing. Then I thought, If I was still in and was sitting through this study, I would tell myself this is really deep! Not a light fluffy study (milk) but meaty (solid food). This is the tactic they use to confuse the hell out of the rank and file. If you don't understand, just accept that it is "deep". If you don't understand, it means you are not of the anointed. Only they can really understand it (yes I had people tell me this).
16. Paul also helps us to understand that those with an earthly hope do not partake of the Memorial emblems. He said to anointed Christians: "For as often as you eat this loaf and drink this cup, you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, until he arrives." (1 Cor. 11:26) When does the Lord 'arrive'? When he comes to take the last of his anointed bride class to their heavenly home. (John 14:2, 3) Clearly, the annual observance of the Lord's Evening Meal is not to continue endlessly. "The remaining ones" of the woman's seed yet on earth will continue to partake of this meal until all of them have received their heavenly reward. (Rev. 12:17) If, though, those who will live forever on earth were entitled to partake of the emblems, then this Memorial meal would need to continue forever.
"Also helps us to understand".... really? Or is it the WT changing the meaning of his words? Said to "anointed Christians".... where does it say that in the scripture? And that last sentence, the logic is totally over my head. And I'm not a stupid person!
Matt 26:26-29 is pretty straightforward. Jesus passed the bread and wine and said "Drink from it all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins"
It's all so simple yet the WT makes it sooooooooooooo complicated.