JT, are you saying then that the early Christians did not get together periodically for study of God's Word, I think the scriptures tell us differently
no i am not, but then again it depends on how one views the "Scriptures"
i assume and perhaps wrongly, correct me if i'm wrong- but you personally look to the "Scriptures" for your life's directions
which is fine with me- but all persons do not-
personally i see very little difference in most belief systems- christian, muslium,etc
some are more high control than others perhaps but they all for the most part share the same common thread
"We got the Hookup with god over here and you don't"
is the basic line of reasoning you will find in most
i have always enjoyed the old
"just different roads to god" routine that is used by those who prefer not to be TOO Dogmatic in thier stance while most others are VERY DOGMATIC
"IF you AIN'T with us you die, burn ,go to he!!, etc"
they always got somewhere bad for the folks to go, who don't buy thier Brand of Religion
this is what you will always notice in almost all belief systems
most belief systems have historically used some form of "FEAR" to keep folks in line and i will agree with you on this
it has worked very well from the begining of time i guess.
just my thought on organized religion in general
you will always find in most faith some dude or dudes who are in charge and folks who are willing to follow even if it is Goofy
religion will often times mix some very outstanding qualities such as kindness, helping out the poor which are excellent things for any person to do, then they sprinkle in some Goofy stuff and most folks are taken in by the nice parts and close their eyes to the bad parts
but if it helps you and others get thru your day, cope with lifes challenges all good and well
just my 2