to hip-
well i'm sure that with questions like that most men would be affected in someway but to answer your question i couldn;t tell
i thought the name of this thread was so on time for this thread demostrates one of the sad things about claiming to speak for god, when one actually does not.. when i was a newly appointed elder at the tender age of 27 .
i was introduced to the world of the judical committee.. it was in fact my first case.
i had gotten a call from the po before the meeting stating that their would be an elders meetings to discuss some judical matters.
to hip-
well i'm sure that with questions like that most men would be affected in someway but to answer your question i couldn;t tell
i thought the name of this thread was so on time for this thread demostrates one of the sad things about claiming to speak for god, when one actually does not.. when i was a newly appointed elder at the tender age of 27 .
i was introduced to the world of the judical committee.. it was in fact my first case.
i had gotten a call from the po before the meeting stating that their would be an elders meetings to discuss some judical matters.
Fran says:
Let's just say it was more of the exact same thing: leering men way past middle age, and one who had never been married and presumably had never been with a woman. These guy were engaged in mental masturbation. And when they got home, I'd be willing to bet they all whacked off. I know one of them had an erection during this investigation. I could see it.
*****what you have stated only reaffirms the Flaw in the entire WT SYSTEM - they are no more than a Corp masquarading around as a God directed org- and with that - they are able to ask and demand the things that they do of their members
how sad
just my 2
i thought the name of this thread was so on time for this thread demostrates one of the sad things about claiming to speak for god, when one actually does not.. when i was a newly appointed elder at the tender age of 27 .
i was introduced to the world of the judical committee.. it was in fact my first case.
i had gotten a call from the po before the meeting stating that their would be an elders meetings to discuss some judical matters.
Itching says:
however it's for this reason - their non cognition of their obvious "lack of faith" - in particular associating with "apostates" on this board AGAINST wtbts policy
that i cannot take their defence of the wtbts seriously
well put and it is for this reason i often tell former jw not to get bent out of shape when a loyal jw goes off- when we respond in kind then that comfirms what wt told them that apostates are evil and rude and mean
actually i think if we applied the training of wt in reverse ones would see better result
wt trained us never to go off on a householder but to be kind- if they went off - after they finish we were told to say something like
"well i can understand that many folks feel that way, but would you consider so and so"
but if you go off on a loyal jw it will match the PROGRAM FILE A that wt loaded about apostates
so i tell folks sit back and enjoy the show
just my 2
i thought the name of this thread was so on time for this thread demostrates one of the sad things about claiming to speak for god, when one actually does not.. when i was a newly appointed elder at the tender age of 27 .
i was introduced to the world of the judical committee.. it was in fact my first case.
i had gotten a call from the po before the meeting stating that their would be an elders meetings to discuss some judical matters.
mommy says:
I think I really have such a sadness for those who are still in, and have to continually put up with this stuff. One day they will realize what they have shared in, and it is not going to be a pretty thing
I agree, that is why at this point in my life i don't even get upset when i see a loyal jw come up here and go off- they are merely repeating what they have been told 5times a week for 20 or more yrs
they are like software - they do what they are programed to do
they have plently .BAK file just in case one gets corrupted
jwe are like AOL each time you log on to AOL they are uploading something on your PC- each time a jw enters the Hall reads the publication thier REGISTRY is being updated
but when they come here to a site like this at least we see that all the files are not working for a REAL LOYAL JW WOULD LEAVE AS SOON AS THEY read a post that puts the Society in a bad light
yet we see and many of us ourselves use to defend the wt to the death
i was truly a Society Man in the fullest sense of the word
my view was "If it's IN PRINT JAH HAS SPOKEN"
BUT THanks for posting
i thought the name of this thread was so on time for this thread demostrates one of the sad things about claiming to speak for god, when one actually does not.. when i was a newly appointed elder at the tender age of 27 .
i was introduced to the world of the judical committee.. it was in fact my first case.
i had gotten a call from the po before the meeting stating that their would be an elders meetings to discuss some judical matters.
BA- says:
the elders of that cong hauled me into the backroom and got down to the nitty gritty of their prurient concerns
your exp simply highlights the SYSTEM that wt has put in place- there are 2 real problems
1. the fact that they can ask YOU ANYTHING THEY WANT TO
2. the fact that you MUST ANSWER IT - for if not 99% of the elders on that case will conclude that you are guilty-- elders are merely cogs in a wheel- your local elder is so far down the wt food chain IT AIN;T EVEN FUNNY
yes they do destroy folks lives
just my 2
i thought the name of this thread was so on time for this thread demostrates one of the sad things about claiming to speak for god, when one actually does not.. when i was a newly appointed elder at the tender age of 27 .
i was introduced to the world of the judical committee.. it was in fact my first case.
i had gotten a call from the po before the meeting stating that their would be an elders meetings to discuss some judical matters.
Had Enough says:
If you had come on this post sounding like the drivel I have read from StiLLinTruth, including his latest load of garbage, I think I may have lost it tonight.
i fully understand your feeling toward the comment of StillinTruth
but don't get upset with him my mom always told me never get mad at a BLIND AND DEAF MAN for crossing the street while you were blowing at him
he can't help it IN THE TRUTH IS merely a victim of the wt system
most of us who came here to sites like this came as strong supporters of wt much like him-- personally i always commend any loyal jw for merely getting up the courage to point his or her browser to an "apostste site"
when you consider the fact that despite all of his loyal WT comments
if he were to be caught by his CO he would be dragged into the back room and forced
1. to admit that he is Spirtually weak,2
2 apologize for going to a site such as this and
3 told that if they ever hear of him in such sites as this he will be DFed
and you and i both know that this is what would happen to this grown man- he would be treated like a child told to go to his room
this man called stillintruth pays rent/light bills/ buys groceries/ etc
and yet he would be treated like a CHILD by the very org he tries to defend--
i think it is great when guys like this post for to me it says
"he is thumbing his nose up to the instructions from the FDS on being on the net and don;t even know it"
now that if funny
so sit back and enjoy the show
i thought the name of this thread was so on time for this thread demostrates one of the sad things about claiming to speak for god, when one actually does not.. when i was a newly appointed elder at the tender age of 27 .
i was introduced to the world of the judical committee.. it was in fact my first case.
i had gotten a call from the po before the meeting stating that their would be an elders meetings to discuss some judical matters.
TJ says :
it is insane
i agree with you - IT IS THE SYSTEM THAT IS IN PLACE then combine that with JACKA$$ men known as Elders and this is what you get
you said
i wonder if the hard-core elders on her committee asked her those kinds
of questions and then decided that she was 'unrepentant
well i can't say , but i will say this THEY HAVE FOR years been basically able to ask anything they want and any refusal to answer is viewed as GUILTY
only now has wt tried to get the Boys to tone down- but this MINDSET IS SO DEEPLY INGRAINED that a few letters from the Legal Desk is not going to break what they put in motion
just my 2
i thought the name of this thread was so on time for this thread demostrates one of the sad things about claiming to speak for god, when one actually does not.. when i was a newly appointed elder at the tender age of 27 .
i was introduced to the world of the judical committee.. it was in fact my first case.
i had gotten a call from the po before the meeting stating that their would be an elders meetings to discuss some judical matters.
i can be reached at
this is only the second post that i've made on this board, so i hope that by posting this a second time, that i'm not violating some rule that i'm unaware of.
if i am, then i apologize to all.. however, this answer to stillintruth is on the fourth page of his last post, and i want to make sure he and as many others as possible can see it.. you will note that i sign my real name to the bottom of this.
that is meant as an open challenge to any and/or all to do something about it.
Venice says
****I for one will not use my real name, as I have no desire to be personally acquainted with most of the people here..****
Well I don't know about the rest of you, but I know I'm offended ;)
never be offended when a loyal jw comes here and post -instead be thankful that this dear man has been willing to risk being DFed if caught here
personally i think it is the greatest thing in the world to see a loyal active jw actually post onto a site that has been cast to Satn by the org
to me it reveals that the wt is losing it's grip
think about it --yrs ago without the net the avg jw would never engage in a conversation with a dfed persons and lord have mercy not an APOSTATE
yet nightly you and i see jw sneek up here in the privacy of thier homes and point thier browser to this APOSTATE SITE
And here they are just CHILLING OUT WITH US
yes I GET VERY excited, even it they don't AGREE WITH ANYTHING WE SAY the mere fact that they are Thumbing their nose up to the direct instructions of the FDS/mouthpc of god is in my view so revealing
in fact if you did a suvey of most of us here you would find that many of us came here as dyed in the wool SOCIETY MEN and after staying around for awhile we ran into what all jw run into after awhile being here THEY CAN'T DEFEND THE UNDEFENDABLE
AND many of us have seen it happen so many times
i recall this guy who was like a 4th gen jw and reg pioneer
loyal supporter ,but he was willing to READ AND DO HIS OWN RESEARCH AND WE all know what happens when you do that
so don't get upset enjoy the life changing exp that you see right before your very eyes
just my 2
i thought the name of this thread was so on time for this thread demostrates one of the sad things about claiming to speak for god, when one actually does not.. when i was a newly appointed elder at the tender age of 27 .
i was introduced to the world of the judical committee.. it was in fact my first case.
i had gotten a call from the po before the meeting stating that their would be an elders meetings to discuss some judical matters.
I thought the name of this thread was so on time for this thread demostrates one of the sad things about claiming to speak for god, when one actually does not.
when i was a newly appointed elder at the tender age of 27
i was introduced to the world of the JUDICAL COMMITTEE.
It was in fact my first case. i had gotten a call from the PO before the meeting stating that their would be an elders meetings to discuss some judical matters. i sat thru the meeting thinking and wondering
what type of case would it be and would i be selected to serve on it since i was a new elder or would i be told next you can serve.
right after the prayer we quickly entered the 2nd school. and there we sat, the po annouced that he had been approached by a single sister who stated she had sexual relationship with a man on her job and this would require the formation of a judical committe.
i recall so well that one bro almost jumped out of his seat to volunteer stating that since she was in his bookstudy he felt that he would be in a good position to serve.
the po stated he would be out of town so he could not do it this weekend and it needed to be handle quickly cause it was publicly known on her job
- the guy got the sister stuff and-went bragging about bagging a JW-
so another bro was recommended and then the po said let James serve it will be good exp. we got 2 exp elders already.
so the time was arranged for sat at 2pm at the hall to meet with her but we would meet at 1:30pm to review the flockbook
well i was up late friday night reviewing the flockbook on how i could be a loving shepard for this dear sister who had been swallowed up by this worldly man - a tool of satan_
then the time came she walked into the room and i had known her for a number of years and my wife and her were good friends so the embarrassment on her face was so telling
after a prayer the chairman explained a few ground rules no tape recorders , etc
then she was asked to tell us what happened
when she finished --the woman was shaking and eyes just full of water
then the questioning began
at first the question were basic one that i thought sounded reasonable, but in just a few min i realized why the bookstudy conductor wanted to serve on her case
i found out later that he was interested in her yrs ago, but she wasn't
he married and his wife was one of those big black sisters who was good in field service , but not much to really look at
while this sister kinda put in mind of a Venessa Williams type to put in plainly she was a nice looking sister i won't lie
but the questions took a wild left hand turn, he started and the other bro would followup it was like machine gun questions
Who was on top
Did he Climax
was there oral or any anal
and on an on it went
and yes the famous question:
"Were you wearing Panites or Thongs?"
i could see that she was starting to lose it and she just brokedown into tears- so she was excused to go to the bathroom
while she was out it was explained to me as a new elder that such questions were NEEDED to see if she was consistent in her story and the details- to see if she was truly repentant or was it a practice
he explained to me that a "Practice" could be considered if the person had sexually intercourse more than once during the night while in the bed with the person- that it was not needed for it to be separate days, but more than once in the same night and it "could be" considered that the person had made it into a "Pratice"
the TECHNICAL DETAILS that wt gives it's elders are unreal
such as the difference between
oUR WT elders school spent about 25 min in our class explaining the difference between the two and each has it's own
i was told that the Panty-Thong question would reveal
"INTENT" "Scheming" "planning" etc on the part of the sister
you see as it was explained to me if she was wearing Bloomers or reg panties then if a claim was made that we got carried away in the heat of the moment then it would be possible
but if she was wearing "Thongs" then she went to his house with the intent of Giving him Some
now this is how i was beening groomed and instructed, being a new elder who had never served on any case i didn't know
these guys were exp elders with yrs of judical cases under thier belt-
beside these were all Former bethelites like myself so of course the boys from THE HOUSE knew how the judicial meeting was to be handle
well she came back into the room and sat down and the questions started again in a few min and at this point she refused to answer anymore questions LIKE THAT and she told us she would not answer THOSE TYPES OF QUESTIONs
"Girl Friend" picked up her bag and walked out
in 5 min we decided that she was "UNREPENTANT" AND DFED HER
I SWEAR TO GOD i only wish i could find her and tell her how sorry i was for allowing her to literally be ganged raped by those guys
this system of the WT of having men called Elders with no training FREELY be able to ask any Damn quesiton they want to and the persons is obligated to answer or else be viewed as not working with Jehovah's Organization is a Damn Joke
I often wonder whatever became of that sister- she attended only about 2or 3 meetings after the annoucement and disappared into thin air
If you are reading this post and you know who you are
for i'm in the Washington DC area of the country
I beg you to please accept my apology for supporting such a cruel and evil system