The chorus of this song in Spanish is actually a lot worse. Though at the same time I can't believe they let this one slip through their fingers.
Me alegraras querido hijo, Si lo mejor de ti me das
You will bring me joy beloved son, If you give me your best
Si me sirves con toda el alma, Prometo amarte sin final
If you serve me whole-souled, I promise to love you endlessly
Even though I'm still somewhat a "believer" (though inactive), this is one of the songs that really jsut doesn't sit well with me. So who determines what's "my best" and whether my service is "wholesouled"??? And SOOOOOOOO conditional. As someone who grew up in a very disfuctional family and was never showed any "real" "unconditional" love, singing this only makes me more depressed.
Jedi Master