I'm curious to know, what articles from the Watchtower did you use?
JoinedPosts by JediMaster
I had some fun today.
by Defianttruth ini took the kids to a park at the center of our town today.
i say some inappropriately dressed people, and decided to investigate.
i keep a close eye on people at the play ground who don't fit in.
Memorial partakers this year?
by punkofnice inwill there be over 12k 'partakers'(tm) this year?.
won't the wbt$ publish the amount of 'partakers'(tm) of the vinegar and crackers this year given that they stated this in qfr watchtower 15th august 2011 page 22 ????
I'm guessing 12,135 for this year.
Memorial Bragging Rights: We Had a "Bethel Speaker"...Ooooooo..
by Open mind inso was your congo affluent & connected enough to have a "bethel speaker"?.
at least one congo in our area had one.
Bethel speakers were always the worst as far as I can remember.
Scully and OTWO..
They worship numbers. That's the only thing they go by. Field service hours, studies, RV's, this # of years in the "truth". It's all about the numbers.
End of the Preaching Work?
by Slidin Fast inthere is a rumour (from someone who should know better) that members of the gb are going round saying that the preaching work is accomplished.
this comes from a seniour elder and i therefore take it a bit more seriously than some sources.. if this is true then it kinda links in with the reduction of the half awake and the watch slightly-higher-mound-look-out magazines.. has any one else heard anything?.
Not preaching itself but the "witnessing". (Mat 24:14) I've heard the same thing from a CO who heard it first-hand from a GB member, or so he said.
The preaching work will never cease right up till Armageddon, but the "witness to all the nations" has been accomplished.
This was back in 2006 I think when the Deliverance at Hand DC was being announced, so the "rumor" has been around for a while. But I consider my source to be reputable as well.
How did/does your congregation view going out to eat AFTER the Memorial?
by OneDayillBeFree infor us it used to be a big no-no, but i think it has slowly grown more acceptable since many of our elders would be starving during the whole reject jesus party.... i always thought it was a bit funny when i saw brothers and sisters almost celebrating with a big feast and drinks on the night that the good ol' messiah sacrificed himself for all humankind!
it seems now more recently that since it is the only thing witnessess can celebrate, they go all out!
maybe i'll join in the festivities too.. so what about you guys?
My congregation always did it. When I spent some years in Latin America going out to eat after memorial was also pretty common. Some would actually organize something at home and have people over.
Memorial, why isn't there the post memorial excitement like there is with an assembly
by insearchoftruth ini know that the assembly is supposed to get the folks all excited about how close we are to the 'end of this system of things' but when my wife attends a memorial, she says nothing at all after it, even though this is supposed to be the most important night of the year for them..
Last year when I attended the memorial I got the funny feeling most people did not want to be there. Singing was horrible, more so than usual, 80% of the attendance came in about 10 min before the program started, and most left pretty quickly afterwards. When I talked to some friends from the US and Mexico about their Memorial a few of them mentioned the same thing w/o me bringing it up.
The memorial has nothing to do with remembering Christ's death. It's only a way for the anointed, more so the GB to elevate themselves over their "brothers" and remind them why it is so important to obey them w/o question.
So what do your Jehovah's Witness friends and loved ones think of the generation teaching?
by garyneal inafter the little skit at the last assembly where one brother was asking another for understanding about the generation teaching i thought, "wow, these people will believe anything the watchtower tells them.
" the 'more mature brother' practically said verbatim everything the watchtower said as his explanation.
evidently, this is one of the sources of the increased 'murmuring' that the talked warned against.. so, has anyone brought this up to their witness friends and/or family?
They don't. I brought it up with my mom once and she dismissed it. She didn't quite agree with it but covers it with the "imperfect men", "leave things in Jah's hands", blah, bla, blah...
Matrix moment - what was it and when did you share it?
by MMXIV infor those of you who had a moment like that from the matrix when you realised what you'd believed was fundamentally flawed or a lie - what caused that defining moment and how long was it before you could share your thoughts?.
I'd been df twice and was honestly trying to get reinstated the 2nd time because I still belived. I suffer from depression and dealing with gay feelings all my life. I came too close to taking my life over the whole thing. The elders never showed any sympathy or even a little bit of compassion even when they knew I was going to a therapist several times a week and that I was under heavy medication. I could not belive a God of love could be backing such insensitive bastards. No love = not the truth. The Matrix's code sort of became clearer and clearer after that moment. It literally saved my life.
How do you Spell Disfellowshipped?
by RayPublisher inthe reason i ask, is that if you search the wt publications, you will see that it is spelled with only one "p" over 600 times, but also spelled with two "p"s 600 times.. .
very confusing!
any linguistic experts out there that know which it should be?.
I think both are correct. -pped might be more of a British thing...