So the evil snake from Eden is now alive and well in Africa!!!!
Great!!! Let's find it, and ask him what really happened.
yearbook 1967 p.105 "{chad -africa}.....a large crowd was follwing a man who had a talking serpent.
the serpent gave greetings and spoke in foriegn tongues...a brother was passing by and attracted by the commotion, he went to the soon as he entered the room the serpent stopped talking.
the man cried out: "a magican has entered the room"...the brother said: "is that a serpent or a demon that is talking to you?...i know that since god created the animals not one sepent has spoken, with the exception of the one in the begining in the garden of eden...seeing that the serpent remained silent the man left the building...later he was anxious to get some literature....".
So the evil snake from Eden is now alive and well in Africa!!!!
Great!!! Let's find it, and ask him what really happened.
rutherford preached that world war 2 would end with "fascist catholics" taking over the world and jehovah stepping in.. his book enemies 1937 "...will great britain and america become fascist under catholic control?
the scriptures and the facts support that conclusion...." so ruthrford made some bombshelters..... watch 82 8/15 p.10 " a precuation for the saftey of the bethel family, a place of refuge was built in south lansing, new was never needed for that purpose....later transformed into the gilead missionary school.".
watch 81 12/15 p.28 "rutherford believed that intense persecution may require them to leave headquaters.
It was supposed to be plan B. "Just in case we happen to be wrong, like so many times already.....we can hide in it when Armageddon comes."
Jedi Master
so, this might be more for those of us who were strong in the jw faith and possibly anyone who was strong in any other faith lie lds for example.
so we were all told that we need to believe, and be strong in that belief, and love what we believe, even to the point of death.
so you work on that.
I guess we can be crazy together
Make that three. T68, I think I can relate to your experience as well. For me it started with some of the more "cultish" aspects of it, like everyone destroyed at A, disfellowhipping, all hail the GB, etc. But yeah, you're right, I tried praying, studying, going more out in service, thinking that in time all would be cleared up. But it hasn't, and now I'm not sure if it will ever be.
something would always tell me, make me realize it was a delusion, that I was flat out lying to myself, but I would go so hard against that
Sounds like the first stage of grief and loss: Denial. It's not easy, but I guess we all come to realize sooner or later that not all the pieces in the puzzle fit right.
Jedi Master
just been on facebook and saw a friend of a "friend" had a truth box which is anonymous.
i sent a little message to them!.
probably will get ignored and they will think that the evil apostates are out to get them but still, it made me feel like i'm getting over the whole witless thing.. so.....what was the first "apostate" thing you ever did?.
this is an update to this thread.
this morning i was on my usual stroll from 10:00 am to 11:00 am and i again saw the jw's out placing flyers on doors advertising the upcoming district convention.
Nice one!!! Way to go!! Can you do it again but have it taped this time???....
Jedi Master
:|. gonna go have an anxiety attack now.
Cool name and funny first post!! W E L C O M E!!!! After that anxiety attack how bout you come back and teach us a few moves???
Jedi Master
ok, so i finally picked up coc from my local library last night.
and started reading it like crazy.
i think i read about 70 pages which brought me close to the end of the second chapter: "governing body".
Jeff. As someone who still (somewhat) believes JW to have the "truth", I'm at a little bit of a crossroads in my life. For many years I was a very strong, spiritually-minded, pillar of the congregations kinda witness. During my many years of faithful service I seriously messed up more than a couple times, but was convinced that those failures didn't mean I wasn't being sincere or honesthearted or trying my best. And I've always tried to see other witnesses and people in general in the same way. Always try to find the good in people no matter what. Even the GB. Like I said before, I've always had a pretty good idea of how things operate and how oppresive & authoritative things have gotten sometimes, especially in the last few years. However this woudn't be the first time that those in charge of Jehovah's people start lording it over God's servants. That's what I mean by "being careful of how to excercise my own opinions and set of beliefs." While I'd like to remain part of God's people on earth, I still want to be accountable to God PERSONALLY, not through the GB or any other person or entity on Earth.
So, while I'm not trying to make excuses for the GB, I'm trying to be as balanced as I can.
Jedi Master.
we've been knocking on the door!
0-0 42 minutes in.
anyone else watching?.
lately, i have been encountering several jw's who are out placing flyers inviting folks to the upcoming district conventions.
i am usually out for my 10:00 - 11:00 am lunch stroll and when i walk the streets of nearby residential areas, i have been seeing several jw's out in service (i counted 12 yesterday - 8 women and 4 men).
in 4 instances over the past 9 days, i have placed myself in a situation (such as sitting on a park bench that is along the sidewalk they are on or stopping my stroll before they get to me) and each time they just smile and say hello and continue on their path.
Holy Spirit lets them know you know way too much and they won't be able to stand against you. May be you should aproach them??
Jedi Master
we've been knocking on the door!
0-0 42 minutes in.
anyone else watching?.
I can't watch but I'm following the "live" comments on yahoo. Seems like a good match, but nothing yet. If England wins, we're done for. How the heck did Slovenia get so ahead?
Jedi Master