I find it very sad that my first post arrives at the very time Ray Franz has suffered such a tragic event.
Like others, it is good to be aware of the family address so that cards and other expressions of love and concern can reach his wife , to fortify her in this extremely difficult time.
I have read both of Rays books and the overwhelming thing that struck me about them was his humility, truthfulness and the christian argumentation he used that avoided weaknesses such as bitterness and hurtful language.
Surprisingly, I found myself MORE sure of Gods word and purpose after reading them than I expected; my faith was NOT destroyed and I did not feel adrift at sea.
Rays experience confirmed for me that we are responsible for our actions / reactions and as so many have already said, it takes courage to stand up and speak truth and more challengingly to live it.
Ray has set a good modern day example of this and clearly from the comments I have noted below he has had a huge positive impact on many persons around the world.
That would be great to be said of each one of us at some time in the future.
My thoughts are with his wife and his close friends who know him best of all.