JoinedPosts by happyexjw
Wording of "mentally diseased" press release - feedback?
by cedars inas some of you may know, i am working with trailerfitter and cantleave in helping amelia with her efforts to complain about the latest "apostates are mentally diseased" article.
she has an appointment with local police tomorrow afternoon, as she has lodged a complaint under the 'hate crimes' act.
it has been suggested that this issue may merit some media coverage, and with this in mind i have prepared a draft press release.
'Apostates' being labelled 'mentally diseased'. Is discrimination against mentally disabled people by using it as a 'hate crime' term?
by punkofnice insorry if i'm not expressing myself very well but i wasn't allowed an education due to wbt$ regulations.. what i'm trying to say is that the wbt$ using the term 'mentally diseased' as an insulting term against those fictitious 'apostates' they want everyone to 'hate', is surely very discriminatory against those that have a genuine mental illness.. it's like calling a white person that has caught a suntan the 'n' word isn't it?
offensive, inappropriate and utterly destructive.. in the uk the press can be pretty sensitive about such name calling that implies that mental disease is somehow to be used as a hate crime word.. is it worth writing to the press to complain about such discrimination?.
Victoria, Australia: All five cases made it through the court. Nothing thrown out!
by AndersonsInfo inon the suggestion of the office of public prosecutions, mr steven unthank made application to the magistrate that the case be transferred to the summary stream and listed as a summary mention on 11 october 2011.. .
on the suggestion of the office of public prosecutions, mr steven unthank made application to the magistrate that the case be transferred to the summary stream and listed as a summary mention on 11 october 2011.. .
following a request by mr steven unthank, the magistrate ordered that the case be transferred to the summary stream and listed as a summary mention on 11 october 2011.. .
Im sorry but dont know how to put a link on here, but saw this today. Its funny because the JW facebook page that put this link to their site also put up about the catholic pope and the SNAP link, you should see the comments about that compared to this..apparrantly Jehovah will always prevail against those twisting things, yet the catholics...well im sure you all know what comments are made. What is funny is that the SNAP feed is about 3 above this one.....the most cognitive disonent comments i have ever seen!!!
Im sorry i dont want to hijack this feed, and thank you for this information as always your posts give me hope
Watchtower pays the lobbies
by TJ Curioso infriends,.
visit the site:.
Great find
My Father passed away during the night
by jwfacts indad was a great man, great, despite the religion.
he was powerful, tall and intelligent, yet humble and kind.
he was an introvert, and a circuit overseer.
Im sorry for you loss My thoughts are with you and you family x
25 ATTRIBUTES OF A CULT - How does the WTS rate?
by cantleave inthis list is taken from a college course called the psychology of fundamentalismoffered by the university of texas.
1. the leader is charismatic and often militaristically demanding.
2. the leader is always right.
I have seen on a fb jw page how they are accused of being a cult and then listing simular things that you have which resembles a cult and they still cannot identify themselves to the list even though its obvious, its their mind set, they are the 'truth' they can see it with any other cult but they cannot through conditioning see link themselves to the same cultistic behaviour.....that make them 1000% cult
What a load of Bo**ocks!!!!
by happyexjw ini read the latest wt 15 nov 2011 and in the first chapter of 'do not lean upon your own understanding' and reading the first paragraph seeing many flaws and draft typed 3 different comments to this and then thought wtf am i doing wasting my time.....there are many people out there that read this site are clued up and can see for themselves and big loves to nugget, watersprout, bondie, zid and not forgetting outlaw who always makes me chuckle and many many others but how crazy this all is!!!.
seriously i sometimes want to get up and scream how messed up this religion (cult) is!!!
but unfortuatnately we are a minority to the whole world.
i apologise i did have good points but then due to my birthday and no work tomorrw and a few i have compelely lost this thread......as you were (note to self....drunken gibberish page girl!!!! lol)
What a load of Bo**ocks!!!!
by happyexjw ini read the latest wt 15 nov 2011 and in the first chapter of 'do not lean upon your own understanding' and reading the first paragraph seeing many flaws and draft typed 3 different comments to this and then thought wtf am i doing wasting my time.....there are many people out there that read this site are clued up and can see for themselves and big loves to nugget, watersprout, bondie, zid and not forgetting outlaw who always makes me chuckle and many many others but how crazy this all is!!!.
seriously i sometimes want to get up and scream how messed up this religion (cult) is!!!
but unfortuatnately we are a minority to the whole world.
Thank you Sab x
What a load of Bo**ocks!!!!
by happyexjw ini read the latest wt 15 nov 2011 and in the first chapter of 'do not lean upon your own understanding' and reading the first paragraph seeing many flaws and draft typed 3 different comments to this and then thought wtf am i doing wasting my time.....there are many people out there that read this site are clued up and can see for themselves and big loves to nugget, watersprout, bondie, zid and not forgetting outlaw who always makes me chuckle and many many others but how crazy this all is!!!.
seriously i sometimes want to get up and scream how messed up this religion (cult) is!!!
but unfortuatnately we are a minority to the whole world.
I had a thought....in the uk, they have stickers on the door that says no cold calling, no sales, no religious calling but what if they had a sticker saying no jehovahs witnesses calling. The uk is getting a little strict on people knocking on door to sell something, inc gas and electricty suppliers what would happem if the jw's turned up to a street that each house had a no jw knocking on doors...would they go against it or comply???
What a load of Bo**ocks!!!!
by happyexjw ini read the latest wt 15 nov 2011 and in the first chapter of 'do not lean upon your own understanding' and reading the first paragraph seeing many flaws and draft typed 3 different comments to this and then thought wtf am i doing wasting my time.....there are many people out there that read this site are clued up and can see for themselves and big loves to nugget, watersprout, bondie, zid and not forgetting outlaw who always makes me chuckle and many many others but how crazy this all is!!!.
seriously i sometimes want to get up and scream how messed up this religion (cult) is!!!
but unfortuatnately we are a minority to the whole world.
Talesin ....my thoughts exactly...cos seriously when i was a born in i thought the whole world knew what JW's were about, not unitll i become a bit wiser not being in the cult i realised that no one had a clue except they refuse blood and dont celebrate brithdays or xmas which aint wired in itself anyway lol