Hey guys, Thanks ever so much for the feedback, Clearly, I understand your worry about links and infiltration of embittered current witnesses seeking to be the wrath of God incarnate. haha. It takes al sorts.
I decided to try slushpile as an option although at the same time I'm approaching publishers too. Thanks for the advice, Old Goat.
Just for your info I was in for 21 years, have been out for 25. Father and bro in and elders, Mum and sisters out, thank goodness. I'm disfellowshipped, soon to be labelled as apostate....a high accolade.
I've read so many books by ex-witnesses and frankly, I wanted to change the style a bit. They all seemed a tad too depressing for my liking. I laugh at the irony and frankly ridiculous way that they live their lives and just have a bit of fun, taking the mickey. After all, they deserve a bit of reciprocal scorn, don't you think.
Thanks for your help and support.
Gordon (Douglas Lee)