JoinedTopics Started by TheEndIsNigh
Six Screens of the Watchtower Conference call THIS EVENING with Author of new book.
by TheEndIsNigh inhi gang,.
for anyone interested in joining me at the six screens of the watchtower conference call this evening (sat) at 7pm est usa then please feel free.
i'm told the call is free.
The End is Nigh...Again A book about Jehovah's Witnesses and that.
by TheEndIsNigh inhi guys, finally after more re writes than my grandfathers will, i have my book finished and published.
if you are interested in reviewing it, then just follow the link to the blog.
thanks for all your positive comments earlier in the year.
Video on Latest book about JW's. The End is Nigh...Again
by TheEndIsNigh inmy name is gordon smith, (aka douglas lee) and i've just completed and published my latest book.
it's getting some great reviews and i thought you might like to see a video of what it's about on my blog page.
i'd also really appreciate your comments, too.
Please help me publish my book on the JW organisation.
by TheEndIsNigh ini just finished writing a book called, the end is nigh...again (but this time we really mean it).
perhaps some of you may have already heard of it.
its a tongue in cheek, real life saga about the life of a second generation jehovahs witness that pokes fun at the organisation that to this day continues to completely screw up the lives of decent people.
Please help me publish my book on the JW organisation.
by TheEndIsNigh inmy book, the end is nigh...again (but this time we really mean it) is now finished and available to read.
its a tongue in cheek, real life saga about the life of a second generation jehovahs witness that pokes fun at the organisation that to this day continues to completely screw up the lives of many decent people.
i have uploaded the entire manuscript to a site called slush pile reader.
Funny book about JW's about to be published.
by TheEndIsNigh inhi gang, i would really appreciate if you could take a look at my blog about the book i've written re the witnesses.
i've aimed to have a laugh at all the madness that i experienced in the 20 years i spent in the 'truth'.. i'm using the blog to get some positive comments so i can get the book published.
i've already had lot's of help.
Humerous new book re JW's about to be published.
by TheEndIsNigh ini'd really appreciate a few minutes of your time to have a look at my forthcoming book called : the end is nigh...again (but this time we really mean it.).
unlike many books about this subject it isn't dry or serious.
i've kept it light and aim to laugh at the craziness of that unlikely faith.