If only it were a baby shower or an anniversary you were celebrating instead of a measly 63rd Birthday, which we all know you are only observing to draw attention away from God !
OFF WITH YER 63 YEAR OLD HEAD I SAY ! (where did I put my platter? )
it's my birthday today, i'm 63. i know your thrilled to hear that and are likely to party hard with wild abandonment, but please be careful not to worship me.
i am only a creature.
it's ok to worship the gb though.
If only it were a baby shower or an anniversary you were celebrating instead of a measly 63rd Birthday, which we all know you are only observing to draw attention away from God !
OFF WITH YER 63 YEAR OLD HEAD I SAY ! (where did I put my platter? )
do you agree with the bible's definition of wickedness?.
do you not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit gods kingdom?
do not be misled.
Wicked People who will be destroyed at Armegeddon.
1. Axe Murderers.
2. Unwed Mothers
3. JW Kids who steal cookies out of the cookie jar, don't sit still and listen at the meeting or don't genuinely enjoy going from door to door.
4. JW women who forgot to wear a headcovering when showing a man anything about the Bible.
5.People who vote
6. JW's who only went out out in service 30 hours this month when they could've put in 35 hours if only they hadn't slept in that one Saturday morning.
All shall equally receive everlasting cutting off !
after flipper's thread about the wt child abuse cases, i started to think about how many children i know of personally who have been sexually abused by a jw!.
as someone who is not especially 'in the know', it's amazing that i do know five of them.
one who was a small baby, at the time!.
As you can see, my comment above is blank. I had posted some information I learned on this subject but decided to delete it because I didn't want to get myself or anyone else in hot water by sharing too much. I'm going to use the word (allegedly) quite often in this condensed version, to avoid problems... you be the judge.
While I was "IN" I never heard of any (alleged) child abuse cases but now that I think of it, I'm sure it must have happened from time to time. However, I only heard word of these (alleged) happenings, after leaving the Organization myself. I thought the accounts I was hearing of, here and elsewhere, might be a bit exaggerated....sour grapes etc. and sort of discounted them. It was easier to believe and hope this was so. That is until I ran into an old friend who (allegedly) left the "Truth" over this matter himself. All I can say is he is a very reliable and honorable individual who was (allegedly) involved with investigating, in various locations around the country, certain difficult molestation cases. He was also( allegedly) involved in other assignments with the Socitey that included international travel. He left the "Truth" altogether after hearing first hand some pretty horrific stories of (alleged ) sucide, institutionalizations and cover-ups and saw the somewhat voyeuristic way these investigations were handled at times and how enduring these amateurish investigations, effected the victims. In the end, he was removed himself for (allegedly) wanting to notify an unsuspecting congregation that a man who had been reinstated after serving a prison term for (alleged) Child Molestation, was to be released from prison soon and would be attending their Hall. He was (allegedly) told by the society to keep his mouth shut. Which he wouldn't, and didn't do, and was (allegedly) removed as an Elder.
I have no evidence myself that these things are true but it seems to me, where there's smoke there's fire.
after flipper's thread about the wt child abuse cases, i started to think about how many children i know of personally who have been sexually abused by a jw!.
as someone who is not especially 'in the know', it's amazing that i do know five of them.
one who was a small baby, at the time!.
it's 9:10 sunday morning.
i'm dressed already, and just finished rushing through my watchtower a few seconds ago.
now i need to wait for my ride to pick me up (i couldn't drive yet).
I'm seeing a pattern here...aren't you.
When I was "IN" I blamed the feeling of panic and anxiety on Satan or on my own spiritual lacking. Towards the end, the only way I could get through a meeting or assembly was to bring a container of beer that I would keep in my vehicle. I would go out to the parking lot and take a few sips, just enough to stop the stomach flip flops. I'm not much of a drinker so it didn't take much to calm me down. It really helped.
My last meeting, 3 or so years ago, was the last time I've felt that way. My subconcious had been sending me physical signals that enough was enough and it was time to end the charade. What a sense of elation it was on meeting nights, not having to go.
i admit it----i plan on getting up at 4:00 freaking am to watch it.
i remember getting up around that time 30 years ago .
anyone else plan on watching it?.
my good friends in the UK have always told me that the royals are considered a joke in their own country
My British relatives sort of mock the royals themselves yet at the same time wouldn't take it well if an outsider made any disparaging remarks about them.
My favorite part of these royal doings is seeing the ornate carriages being used and the horses and guards in all their regalia.
i admit it----i plan on getting up at 4:00 freaking am to watch it.
i remember getting up around that time 30 years ago .
anyone else plan on watching it?.
Since I was a little kid, my London relatives have referred to me as "Mr. Abbey." Apparently one time when we were over there visiting, I wanted to see Westminster Abbey and kept asking "When are we going to see Mr. Abbey? " Years later, I brought my wife and boys to the Abbey and there was an announcement that there would be a celebration of the Eucharist. I asked a rather snobby elderly woman working as a Docent, to explain this ceremony to me. She said "Oh....where are you from?" I told her I grew up on the west coast of the U.S. She said " Oh...you don't sound like an American...you actually have a very nice acent" (SLAM) Then she went on to explain the Eucharis to me and asked..."Are you a Catholic then? " "No" I said, hoping to leave it at that. "Well what religion are you then?"she asked (DAMN !) I had to say it... "We're Jehovah's Witnesses" I said. She looked as if she were about to faint...her face blanched...she put her hand to her throat, stuttered and stammered and made some excuse about having to be somewhere else and made a quick exit.
Anyway Me and Mrs. exwhyzee were married a few weeks before Charles and Diana and had our 2 boys at almost the same time as they had theirs. We were outside Kenzington Palace just after her death and saw the mountains of flowers. My Uncle who is an Engineer at the Royal Mint, grew up with Charles (his Dad was a Palace Guard and got my brother and I one of those tall Bear Skin helmets each). My Cousin designed one of Diana's famous dresses (you'd know her name and mine if I described the dress) My mother (a Diana look alike) and Sophie Ryhs Jones great grandfathers were brothers....anyway there seems to be a ongoing thread here... so yeah....we're going to watch the Wedding too I'm sure.
it appears to me that even in the few months that i have been here there is less and less emphasis on jehovah's witnesses and anything remotely related to jws and more very poor posts about politics, foreign affairs and celebrities.
i can't omit the juvenile sex ones, which i find lacking in erotic nature.
it seems the 6th grade boys are meeting in the locker room.. the posts that involve jws have a very different tone from the drivel posted on others.
It's easier to put on a pair of slippers than to try and carpet the whole world
I enjoy hearing what's on other people's minds....drivel or otherwise. If someting doesn't strike my intrest, I just leave it to others who are interested and I move on. It's sort of like television...instead of complaining about what you're seeing, you are free to change the channel or turn it off.
I'm glad there is a place like this where people who have had their own thoughts so heavily monitored, can come an express themselves. As a former JW, it's nice to hear people who share the same backgrond as I've had, talking about somethnig other than religion. For some of us it's a new experience and we are novices at voicing our own thoughts rather than those we read somewhere in a publication.
1. Did you hear about the Klu Klux Klan member who after studying with the Witnesses and gaining an accurate knowledge of the truth, began burning Torture Stakes on peoples front lawns instead of crosses ?
2. I heard they've converted one of the Bethel buildings into an umbrella factory, in preperation for Christs thousand year reign.
severe abdominal pain turned out to be pancreatitis !
very scary .... his levels of enzymes should have been 180 ,but were 4,500 .
all the tests xrays , ulta sound and mri showed no gallstones or blockages just one mother of an inflamned pancreas .
have not had one return phone call or call to show concern for his well being .....I am so disgusted by her lack of natural affection .
Sorry you have to experience the tough JW love via your son's illness. We went through this a few months after our son was DF'd and then was diagnosed with Cancer a couple of months later. Having the loving JW friends and family leave you in the learch at such a crucial time makes it clear how off balance they are when it comes to using their own hearts and common sense over the WT rules. I have written my Son's only living "Pioneer" grandparent off...sort of DF'd her in my mind. She didn't even come to see him or call when he was in intensive care or during his Chemo. Stayed busy knocking on the doors of complete strangers while her own grandson was fighting for his life.
All the best to you and your Son for a speedy recovery. He is lucky to have you in his corner.