How Many of Them Do You Know About?

by clarity 63 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • clarity

    After Flipper's thread about the wt child abuse cases, I started to think about how many children I know of personally who have been sexually abused by a jw!

    As someone who is not especially 'in the know', it's amazing that I do know five of them. One who was a small baby, at the time!

    Now, some may doubt that there would be 27,000 known jw pedophile cases.

    But if I personally know of 5 kids molested,.....then of 7 million witnesses, each one could feasibly know of at least 1 molestation = 7 million kids???

    We have a very big problem, as the huge response to Flippers thread shows.

    If you want to do a survey, plse feel free....

    I'll start - 5


  • EmptyInside

    I know at least 10,but at least three were in the same family,and most abused by the same man. He has since been reinstated.

  • flipper

    I knew of 7 cases myself involving JW children over the years when I was in the org. Sick and twisted

  • Buster

    Franklin MA cong.: 3 that I know personally:

    1. MS that repeatedly raped his daughter. She eventually reported and he went to the can.

    2. Daughter of a friend of mine. He reported it. Nothing (ok, ... not enough) happened. so he went to another hall. Pretty drastic, huh?

    3. One more little girl. Nothing happened. It was never reported. The perp told me about it many years later.

  • clarity

    That's 25 cases in the first 10 minutes ....omg


  • InterestedOne

    Clarity, I just wanted to do a math check. If each JW knows of 1 molestation, I don't think it necessarily would equate to 7 million kids because 2 JW's might know of the same child. Correct me if I'm wrong. It would mean 7 million kids only if each JW knows of a different kid.

  • clarity

    InterestedOne, you are right of course.

    Basically I was trying to get a more realistic view of the numbers of these cases!

    As far as I can see there are about 100,000 kingdom halls world wide, or if we are talking congregations it would be more, as more than one congregation attends a KH! Correct me if I'm wrong.

    So would it be more realistic to say, if only one child was abused by a jw per each KH, that's still 100,000 kids .....

    Have you seen a summer assembly with crowds of about 5,000 .......imagine 100,000 kids!!!! Why can't we do more about this?

    Ok anybody else want to chip in ?

    The count is 25

  • nicolaou

    I have personally known two JW abusers with at least three victims between them.

  • nicolaou

    Just wanted to add that we are all of course anonymous individuals posting numbers on an internet discussion forum. That's not to belittle this thread or anyones comments just a reminder that we shouldn't lose perspective about ourselves.

    I for one trust that most here would not post misleading information about such a sensitive issue but the figures quoted here carry no weight at all outside of our little group.


  • clarity


    Thanks Nic, I first saw the number of cases in Babara Andersons pages.

    Since then I have read where some think the number of 27,000 confirmed peodofile cases couldn't be that high!

    Also as time goes on I/we sometimes lose perspective and kind of brush things off. Hearing about the abuse by those replying to Flippers threads, shows the reality of it all.

    I wanted to show that the victims are not just a number in a book, each one is real. And they are legion. They need to be seen.

    edited to add ...of course names must not be used here.


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