Here is my current favorite. A 1983 Fiat Pininfarina Spider. It was in top shape but I restored it all to like new condition. Rebuilt engine and transmission, new suspension and exhaust etc. The photo below was at the All Italian Car show, here in my area.
JoinedPosts by exwhyzee
Of All of The Automobils You Have Ever Owned Which One Was Your Favorite?
by Was New Boy inthey say the average person will own about 25 cars in their life time.. from 1982 to 1988 i owned a 1971 dodge challenger convertible.
it had a 340 with a 4 speed stick.
i loved that car.. i didnt cry when my wife left me....i did cry when that car drove out of my life!.
Where to JWs park their cars when going door-to-door?
by bradp ini am a christian and have handed out tracts all over my neighborhood,.
i'm ready to go to a new neighborhood and am trying to determine where to park my car without it getting towed.. is there a jw publication available that covers this kind of info?
The Pioneers usually park their Covered Wagons in a circle.
Did anyone try to go to the high school prom ?
by Pitchess Co-Gen ini remember being a high school senior and wanting to go to prom ( i graduated from high school in 2003 ), but prom was forbidden when your a jw teen.
i even said to my parents if i took a witness girl would it be ok; they actually said yes.
i found a girl ( yes she's a witness ) to go with me, but here's the kicker she agreed to go.
Wanting our Sons to have as balanced and normal as life as possible, and yet be JW's we allowed them to be on the wrestling and track teams and join Lacrosse. They were good guys...never any trouble...(other than being terribly untidy). They each went to their Prom and the youngest one was homecomming king but we couldn't tell anyone about any of their activities at school or that we privately acknowledged their birth dates by doing something special for them. Our out of town Witness reletives found out about the wrestling team and this news was met with much tut-tutting and dire warnings about bad association. They were both relatively quiet boys but being on a team or wrestling an opponent in front of a whole auditiorium of people was a real confidence builder for them and they enjoyed it so much.
Did anyone try to go to the high school prom ?
by Pitchess Co-Gen ini remember being a high school senior and wanting to go to prom ( i graduated from high school in 2003 ), but prom was forbidden when your a jw teen.
i even said to my parents if i took a witness girl would it be ok; they actually said yes.
i found a girl ( yes she's a witness ) to go with me, but here's the kicker she agreed to go.
My wife was an Elder's daughter and her Mom a regular pioneer. She was asked to go to the prom by a popular guy in school and she accepted but it meant that in order to go she had to sneak out of the house somehow. Her Dad was giving a Sunday talk in another town so it worked out that her parents and younger siblings wouldn't be home. After the Dance her date took her out to dinner with a group or other popular kids, to a place they could afford. While they were eating, the booth they were sitting in collapsed and they all wound up sitting down inside the wood box/frame that was holding up the booths seat cushion. The girls got up and went to the bathroom together to fix their cloths etc and when they came out to the lobby, the guys grabbed them and rushed toward the door saying " ! The whole group ran out of the place without paying for their meal. When her date brought her home, she realized she didn't have her house key. Her older sister, who she ran into at the prom, had also snuck out to the dance and hadn't gotten home yet. There she was locked out of house so the guy, wanting to be the hero, pried open the little bathroom window and crawled in. On his way in, he slipped and grabbed onto the shower curtain to stabalize himself but it came loose from the rod. On the way down he grabbed the towel bar and ripped it out of the wall. The guy had to stumble through the dark house to find the front door and let her in. (probably tripped over her Dads Giant Elder book bag ) He opened the front door...she stepped inside...he stepped outside and just sort of stood there expecting a good night kiss and couldn't figure out why everything was such a big secret. At this point she was so worried about the damaged bathroom and flustered and embarrased by all that happened that she just said" Well....I guess I'll see ya at school" and shut the door. She still blushes at the thought of this today.
She and her sister managed to get the bathroom all put back together before the parents returned the next evening. The two girls thought they were in the clear until her Dad got home from work Monday night. At the dinner table he casually asked " did you girls enjoy the dance on Saturday night hmmmm? " Apparently one of the women he worked with was a Chaperone at the dance and had said she was surprised to see his girls there, being Witnesses and all but said how pretty his they looked. Her Dad was pretty cool about it and fortunately he was a pretty cool guy and was able to see the humor in it which in a way made them feel even worse about not only embarrasing him in front of his coworkers but having deceived him.
most depressing song ever
by will_the_apostate inwhats the most depressing song you have ever heard?
i would go with either johnny cash - hurt or gary jules-mad world.
Having grown up as a Witness I expected to live forever...never grow old. In my 40's I began to realize that this wasn't going to happen. I tried to cling to my old indoctrinations but they no longer made any sense. I was coming to grips with my own mortality....all at once instead of a gradually over the years like most people. I went through the most terrible period of anxiety you could imagine. Although I loved Bonnie Raitt's song "Nick of time" it was very difficult if not impossible to listen to. The line "scared to run out of time" was the whole basis and theme of what I was going through.
This next song covers a time period when I was in elementary school riding my bicycle, trying to be a kid during the turbulent 1960's and was taught to view the world scene as pangs of distress that would culminate in a cataclysmic event that I realized would kill my non Witness father. I was supposed to graduate from school in 1975 but was convinced it would never happen. For me "Stones in the road" captures what it was like trying to enjoy being a kid, but having the glitter of ones young life, rubbed off by adults who had convinced me that I shouldn't enjoy life too real life was going to happen, some other time. Time went on and I had to make my way in a world I was totaly unprepared to even exist in.
I ran into a neighbor girl I knew at that time period. She said "remember all those serious discussions we used to have....why were we such serious little kids?" she said "I guess it was because of the 60's and the Vietnam war " I knew it was because she was Catholic and I was trying to save both myself and her from Armegeddon. I believed I would be held responsible for her life if I didn't warn her about it.
How is it that well educated and financially stable people become Jehovah's Witnesses?
by 21stcenturywoman inwhen i was growing up most of the jws around me were poor and lower middle class.
some were middle class, but very few were upper middle class.
only (maybe) about 1% were college educated.
As a life long Witness, the only growth in the Congregations I attended, came from Witnesses that moved into the territory from somewhere else, or Witness kids who grew up and got baptized. The congregation split many many times in the last 30 years but I can count on one hand, the individuals who hadn't already grown up in the"truth"...let alone the ones that had a College Education. The only two that I can think of that had College Degrees were both "Brought In" by Witness women who had been disfellowshipped in their late teens and early 20's, found a "worldly" Man, married him and got reinstated with new husband and sometimes a kid in tow. Both these guys seemed to see the opportunity to gain influence and popularity and quickly "rose to the top". They were "big fish" in a "small pond" so to speak. Because they were the new kids in town they were welcomed with open arms and it seemed like they were even more special because they had Degrees and yet turned their back on the opportunities of the "World". It seems to me that financially stable and educated people aren't as likely to become desperate enough to take on the vulnerable mindset needed to accept the "truth". The Witness will tell you that this is complacency brought on by materialism and the precise reason we want to keep ourselves in a downtrodden state, so to speak.
I'll make it a true "Daily Double" Alex.
Demons and Dreams (sexual) for $2,000
Q:What JW Urban legend, involved Demons
Answer: What is....most all of them particularly the one where a newly baptized "Sister" was supposedly even raped by one.
What's YOUR Favorite Weird Al Yankovic parody?
by Gopher inmine is amish paradise.
Anyone remember how he changed that Kim Carnes song from "Betty Davis Eyes" to "Elizabeth Taylor Thighs" ? I think in the Video he was dressed as as an overweight Liz Taylor, with segments of him ferociously gnawing on a huge turkey leg. I Can't find the video but original lyrics were....... All the boys Think she's a spy, she's got Betty Davis Eyes. Al sang..... She attracts Household Flies, she's got Elizabeth Taylor Thighs Here's the original song
Recent activities at the laundermat and Payless shoe store
by loosie inok last time i went to the laudermat all i found was a trifold tract from the jw's.
they gave me so much room to write ( why do they do that?
) i wrote on there "when will you jw's stop leaving mags and tracts at this laundermat" i wonder what will be there next week.. my friends works part time at payless shoe store.
They put the magazines in shoe boxes in an attempt to save some soles. ( and wound up making heels of themselves)
Songs that remind you of your Mum . . .
by nicolaou ini remember my mum standing at the kitchen sink preparing little cypriot meat patties in a beat up enamel dish.
there was a window overlooking the small garden where me and my brother and sisters used to play (wonderful, wonderful times before the cult got its tentacles into our family).. my mum used to sing lots of tunes but this lynn anderson song is the one i remember .
actually choking up a little .
This one reminds me of MsDucky's Mom. I can picture her gazing out the kitchen window singing this, as she dried the dishes.