Going out in service to some JWS is more about relieving themselves of built up guilt propagated at the Kingdom Halls, coercively and exploitively
The relief experienced after field service or attending an assembly is often mistaken for "JOY" .
so i had my second random jw visit since i left.
the last time i was sick and couldn't really talk back but i was pleasant enough.
i took the magazines, but they never returned.. attempt #2: a father with his poor miserable looking son.
Going out in service to some JWS is more about relieving themselves of built up guilt propagated at the Kingdom Halls, coercively and exploitively
The relief experienced after field service or attending an assembly is often mistaken for "JOY" .
so i had my second random jw visit since i left.
the last time i was sick and couldn't really talk back but i was pleasant enough.
i took the magazines, but they never returned.. attempt #2: a father with his poor miserable looking son.
I can see the thought bubble over his head as he walked away from your door :
"The time left has run out...no time to speak....must press on to others who need warning....just do your duty....get your time in .....afterall the magazines will speak for themselves....if they are sheep, the holy spirit will find them....hmm... it's 10:00 wonder if it's break time?"
here?s mine (he-he): armageddon, it?s closer than you think!
1914 and the "gentile times.
* (1 984 Watchtower article featuring The 1914 Generation That Will Not Pass Away)
i received this and am passing it on email.
(nyc) area by jehovah's witnesses.
god in this project, too.. .
I remember the first time they started using "tracts" back around 1974. They whipped everyone up into a furvor as if we were deliverning a extra special message with some timely ultra important news. It was like they were pulling out all the stops...nothing was to slow us down, just place and go. It was an easy job even a barely hanging on Witness could do and could be part of the feel good band wagon. On the 3 tract campaign, they "likened" it to when Joshua circled Jerico three times before he was told to deliver the trumpet blast that would bring the City down. That was about 37 years ago and the "City" is still standing.
This giving away of free bibles reminds me of how the tobacco companies used to get "new recruits" by handing out free cigaretts and chew in public places.
ok.. you 70 plus bethelite members.... this is your chance to share stories!
inquiring minds want to know !no full names please..follow t.o.s.
to avoid borg libel lawsuits).. i will start the ball rolling with week one.
LittleMac: I forgot about that....before I went in for my Physical everyone was joking about "mooning Manhatten" Turns out that theres a big window in Dr. Dixon's office that faces Manhatten and that was where he did the exam. Pretty weird thing to have done to you without an explaination or even it being a necessity.
ok.. you 70 plus bethelite members.... this is your chance to share stories!
inquiring minds want to know !no full names please..follow t.o.s.
to avoid borg libel lawsuits).. i will start the ball rolling with week one.
I worked in the bindery on machines that sewed parts of books together. Each machine had a "checker" who took the books out of the machine and inspected them to be sure they were sewed in the correct order. One time I put a note in one of the books to give my checker a laugh. It read. " Help...I'm being held captive in a tower and being forced to sew books all day with no pay !" My checker missed the note but the next one in line (a real goody goddy sour puss) found it and turned me in to the floor overseer. I got a pretty good chewing out because if that wouldn't have been found, it could have ended up in the hands of the public and I could be responsible for someone not accepting THE TRUTH because of it.
My room mate was on a press that was running an AWAKE! article about Soccer or sports. On the cover was a close up photo of a soccer ball about to be kicked. He hated one of the guys that was on his crew....almost came to blows a few times. He had a photos of the entire crew so he cut out the guys head from one of the photos and stuck it on the soccer ball so it looked like he was about to get kicked in the head. The magazine went down the line and almost made it off the floor before somebody caught it. My room mate almost got booted out for that little stunt.
My room mate and I got a hold of the dish duty form/slips. They are the dreaded notices that are slid under your door telling you that you have to do dish duty in the kitchen on Saturday after already working a half day in the factory. We'd place them on our friends doors and let them suffer all week thinking they had to do dish duty.
On night watchman duty, Me and a friend used to rollerskate through the factory pulling a pallet jack behind us with other guys riding on them. We could whip through the factory in no time. Once I went zooming across the roof across the front of the big WATCHTOWER and clock that you can see from the Brooklyn Bridge. It was a surreal moment as I looked at those big green letters that I had seen in photos my whole life, up close and realize that all those people driving on the bridge ( and Jehovah) could probably see us as we skated past the flood lights.
They used to have 'Hoppers" on every floor which is a large closet that you can put any unwanted items you might have that someone else might want. We'd go Hopper Shopping sometimes , to see what kind of stuff was available. One time we found a giant girdle that had these metal clips for holding up nylons. We grabbed it to give one of our friends who was a pretty hefty dude. After we gave it to him and we all had a laugh, a couple of us grabbed it and stretched it out like a sling shot. When we let go, it flew out the 9th floor window or the Towers Hotel and fluttered down to the sidewalk below. No one dared to look out the window in case someone looked up to see which window it came from. We waited nervously for a few days expecting an announcement about it at the breakfast table.
My Mom used to cut hair and she showed me how to cut my own. I was pretty particular about my hair having always had good haircuts my whole life. When I got to Bethel I noticed everyone had the 1950's same shaved up the back long on top slicked to the right hair style. Our floor overseer would just come up behing you while you were working, tap you on the shoulder and tell you to head to the barber shop. I always refused and said I'd take care of it myself. He just hated this...it totally blew his mind that someone was refusing his directions. Pretty soon brothers were asking me why my hair still looked good and when they found out I could cut hair I had a whole bunch of customers (non paying). After enough brothers began refusing hair cuts my little side line came to a halt.
this is from september 2011. i missed it when it was initially posted online.
i enjoyed it.
of interest to me was the man's shock when he was appointed as an elder, and the body of elders brought him up to speed on the congregation's dirty laundry.
for some reason the ) at the end needs to be added in the address bar after being clicked.. .
To me, intuition is information or knowledge that has registered on some level without me realizing it and helps me draw conclusions or make decisions when concrete evidence doesn't exist or doesn't seem reliable enough.
i miss a few but honestly i could count them on one hand after being in the organization for almost 5 decades.
some jws are ok but most, i simply tolerated, due to being an elder..
Boy you said a mouthfull Mrs. Jones...I'm going to borrow that one...that's exactly how it is !
i miss a few but honestly i could count them on one hand after being in the organization for almost 5 decades.
some jws are ok but most, i simply tolerated, due to being an elder..
Yes, leaving was social suicide for us...we aren't all that adept at making new friends. Haven't found the right setting to do so yet. Being Witnesses, all you had to do was show up every week and you had a building full of friends or at least aquaintences without much effort. You automatically knew what everyone stood for or believed and you saw them regularly. You were taught to put up a wall to outsiders and that wall doesn't come down easily. But having left on our own and having it take 3 years for the elders to come looking for us, I realize that much of our friendships were imagined. All our old friends are very nice to us if we see them but we are no longer included in anything or invited anywhere. But it has been worth the peace of mind and loss of anxiety and dread of the future that has resulted since leaving.