I miss a few but honestly I could count them on one hand after being in the Organization for almost 5 decades. Some JWs are ok but most, I simply tolerated, due to being an elder.
Do You Miss Even A Little Bit Your "Friends" From The "Truth"?
by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends
yes, I wonder where are they now, etc....
One person who I was friends with. Just one. There is another sister I miss that studied with me, but we were separated long before I left. There are many who I don't actually miss, but would be glad to get together with them. The majority I don't ever care to see again. There was a Bible forum that I posted on and I posted that I think I could not stand to be two weeks in their paradise with them. I am not welcome there anymore. I don't miss it.
Not really...
I would love to say yes, but the reality is I never really had friends at the hall. Oh yeah, they would invite you to their baby showers, wedding showers, weddings, house warmings...always when a gift was required. But no one to go to lunch with, or shopping or something fun.
I remember a few friends with fondness but only when prompted. But the perspective differences make them seem like strangers now in a way. In some ways I felt like I had too many friends when I was a JW . . . not enough down time. I enjoy the down time now . . . with just those few that matter . . . it more than compensates for the sentiment of days gone by.
White Dove
No, because they didn't try to keep me in the congregation while I was being abandoned out.
There was no one that cared to offer comfort at all.
I don't miss any of them.
They were not even real friends when I was in, before the abandonment started.
Forget them!
Yes, leaving was social suicide for us...we aren't all that adept at making new friends. Haven't found the right setting to do so yet. Being Witnesses, all you had to do was show up every week and you had a building full of friends or at least aquaintences without much effort. You automatically knew what everyone stood for or believed and you saw them regularly. You were taught to put up a wall to outsiders and that wall doesn't come down easily. But having left on our own and having it take 3 years for the elders to come looking for us, I realize that much of our friendships were imagined. All our old friends are very nice to us if we see them but we are no longer included in anything or invited anywhere. But it has been worth the peace of mind and loss of anxiety and dread of the future that has resulted since leaving.
Yes. I miss my best friend. She leads a double life, and I have tried to keep in touch, but I think she is too afraid of getting 'caught' associating with me .. so I fnally gave up a couple of months ago.
Still, after all these years, I feel a special bond with her. *sigh*
I have about a dozen people that I truly miss. I wish every day that they would wake up and see the reality of the 'truth'. These are all very intelligent people, all raised as JW's but not particularly strictly and less inclined to black and white thinking but still under mind control. It's so sad to me...I really wish there was a switch I could pull for them.