This is exactly why "unlettered and ordinary men" should not be put in charge of counseling troubled individuals. JW Elders often have no idea what is going on in the mind's of those they dicipline. Counseling people should be left to highly trained professionals....not high school graduates who have read a few Awake articles and think they are Sigmund Freud.
JoinedPosts by exwhyzee
DF'd man tries to poison the Elder that DF'd him.
by cantleave in
Are black people more emotional than white people
by barry ini see in churches in the states standing up in church dancing, clapping their hands and being quite emotional even in a church.
things which that wouldnt be acceptable in australia.. the link below also shows black sda ministers dressed in clergy style dress which is quite unusual for ministers here in australia.. .
could any of my american friends inform me i showed it to my father who is a lay preacher and he was mistified as to what tradition this dress comes from but seems to be concentrated to th eblack community also?.
Jehovah's Witnesses - As Objects Of Pity
by metatron ini sometimes have to wonder....... if a subtle transition might take place with regard to the general context of being a jehovah's witness.. a transition away from being objects of hatred towards being legitimate objects of pity.. if this seems far-fetched, consider that some extended witness families have now drifted into having the next generation gone completely or faking it at best.
there are also cases of long term witnesses being accosted by long term co-workers as to 'what happened, i thought armageddon was supposed to be here' (and it's been twenty years).. when you hear a circuit assembly condemn college.... or facebook.... or the internet......or vampire novels, do you ask yourself, "how long can they repeat this stuff?
" i don't think the answer is 'indefinitely'.
There was a time - during the Cold War - when it almost felt 'cool' to be a Witness,
I know what you are saying Metatron but remember, you might be only able to say this because you have the advantage of 20/20 hindsight. During that time period most people.....milions...billions, thought it was anything but "almost cool" to be a JW. It was ourselves or our parents who fell for it....were taken in. The rest of the world didn't.
Whatever mind set we were in to have thought it to be "almost cool" is the same mindset of many of those that are still "in". Not having the benefit of hindsight, they look at every world event as significant proof that they will never grow old and will live forever. They are falling for it like we did...they haven't seen or lived through the blunders of the past. It's easy for them to dismiss these blunders because to them it's ancient history. History that didn't affect them. Just like when we heard about how they used to celebrate Christmas at Bethel or how they thought they'd be raptured in 1914 or how in the 1920's JW's sold their farms and belongings thinking that the end was coming any day. We didn't see until much later that what happened to them was exactly what was going on with us.
I feel the same way about JW's now as I do when I see the Mormon boys dressed in black, peddeling their bikes in the rain. I feel such sorrow for them and I'm touched, in a way, that there are still such trusting individuals around in this day and age that they would actually go along with something so transparent as this arrangement.
Ridiculous Memorial Invitation!
by PrincessCynic inhas anyone seen this year's memorial invitation?
maybe someone could post a picture.. on the front is a question to the householder, 'how do you view jesus?'.
then it gives multiple choices with accompanying pictues: .
When will the awful shunning nightmares stop?
by serenitynow! init's bad enough that i am being shunned in real life by my family in ohio who i had always been close to.
ever since i have had at least one dream a week about being around my family but they refuse to talk to me.. will the dreams ever stop?
how can i make them stop?.
Stop fighting the grieving process you are going through. Instead of trying to avoid these dreams or thoughts, turn around and face them....try to make them happen...look forward to them, realizing that the sooner you desensitize yourself to them the sooner you will be free of them. Medications and Alcohol may dull the unpleasant feelings they invoke for a time but eventually you will need more and more to keep them at bay. Turn and face the roaring Lion that these dreams are to you and they will shrink down to the size of a squeaking mouse.
Exciting experience about Amish couple joining JWs - and the shunning begins!
by Bonnie_Clyde inmy daughter is also on her email list.
i believe my daughter has informed her that i dont go to meetings any more, and i think my friend is trying to encourage me.
however, my daughter has shunned me, my husband and her two brothers for almost five years even though none of us are dfd.
I might mention something in the return email about how the JW's are encouraging this young couple to become Apostates from the Amish religion and in their opinion believe that since the Amish, are part of Babylon the Great and don't have Gods backing, have no scriptural grounds for shunning people for leaving. Yet they would be horrified if an Amish minister came around to their homes and tried to persuade their family members to become Amish or if one of thier members was sneaking off to Amish country to study the Amish religion.
What ever happened to "do unto others as you would have done unto yourselves? " Talk about a double standard.
What makes JW's think all is "Truth" now ?
by Phizzy inc.t russell was, they admit 90% wrong.. ditto for rutherford.. ditto for a lot in the intervening years, wrong and wrong again, so the need for "new light".. what makes them think that the 2012 version is any more right than the previous tripe ?.
how can they know it won't all be dross tomorrow ?.
"good morning i have come to bring you the truth from god's word that may not be the truth at all when the next wt comes out" would be a more honest presentation..
No one stays with a religion unless they think it's The Truth . They always think God agrees with whatever they happen to believe in and no one predicts that the end of the world will come in someone else's's always gonna' come in thier lifetime....and it's gonna happen any day now. It's what keeps them going most of the time.
Meeting Times
by Twani inevening all,.
does anyone know the meeting time for wallington kingdon hall, near croydon, london?.
i'm planning to go tomorrow.
I have to say I kinda thought the same thing as Twani did after reading Mrs. Jones comment. It came across as mocking him/her for not being as internet savvy as some on here are.
In Mrs. Jones defense,(not that she needs my help) I know that a missing comma or misplaced word can change the whole tone of a comment. I have to watch myself on here because I've unintentionally done the same thing. Only realizing it when I went back and re read a post I made and saw that it came across much differently than I had meant it to.
Let us know how your return to the Hall went. Some of us here, I'd say have entertained that idea as well from time to time. If I were to move to another region, I might go back to see if my experience would be different somewhere else. Deep down I know that "there's no going home" It would never be the same now that I know what I know.
Grandma attacked by pitbulls and saved by bible throwing JWs
by InquiryMan in
If those (very sweet and cute) Sisters hadn't been out in field service that day, who knows what might have happened.
I loved how that one Sister said about the old woman. " She's a very nice lady....I didn't know her, but she is somebody's Mother...somebody's Grandmother....somebody's friend"
She is the kind of person I miss knowing.
Why did you become one of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Celestial inany other reason than the arbitrary explanation that you were brainwashed or seduced by a millenarianist doomsday cult?.
Mom and Dad brought us to this country (U.S.) so we would have better opportunities for education and jobs. They had no friends of family here when they arrived. Mom was called on at the door by some friendly ladies who offered to visit her every week and study the Bible. Dad threw a fit....didn't want anytning to do with it. The ladies convinced her that Satan was working through him and also convinced her that he could be won without a word. SLAM went the door on all our supposed opportunities! No Christimas, No Birthdays, No School dances, No Sports, No College.......meetings meetings meetings.....Saturday Field Service, Bible Literature coming out our ears, childhood was spoiled with fears of God destroying our unbelieving father and school friends and global destruction....sitting for days on end listening to Bible Lectures filled with now obsolete information that has been replaced with new light and they reminded us about how bad everyone else in the world is and how happy we are.
Why do you ask?