JoinedPosts by exwhyzee
Of All of The Automobils You Have Ever Owned Which One Was Your Favorite?
by Was New Boy inthey say the average person will own about 25 cars in their life time.. from 1982 to 1988 i owned a 1971 dodge challenger convertible.
it had a 340 with a 4 speed stick.
i loved that car.. i didnt cry when my wife left me....i did cry when that car drove out of my life!.
Of All of The Automobils You Have Ever Owned Which One Was Your Favorite?
by Was New Boy inthey say the average person will own about 25 cars in their life time.. from 1982 to 1988 i owned a 1971 dodge challenger convertible.
it had a 340 with a 4 speed stick.
i loved that car.. i didnt cry when my wife left me....i did cry when that car drove out of my life!.
When I use the attach photo button and enter the URL, all that shows up in my post is a little empty box. If I enter the URL from facebook in, ALL my photos are accesable. (not good)
Most humiliating...
by Igot2bme ini was at home this morning typing up a couple legal documents for some general contractors to sign that were going to be doing some tree removal on my property, when i get a visit from a sister in the hall i used to attend.
she usually stops by at least once a week.
i haven't been to meetings for over a year now and didn't attend memorial this year, but she was quick to remind me how i missed out.
I've been a baptized witness for 20 years, why do I need someone to come to my house to preach to me about the ransom as if I have forgotten what it is or it is about?!
You just need to have a litte more humility Sista' (yuk yuk)
(I'm assuming you are a sister because unless she was wearing a head covering, a Witness woman would never talk to a Brother like that would she ?)
How HIGH did you climb the ranks as a JW? Did you like the STATUS?
by unshackled inso what were your biggest jw accomplishments as a rank & file?
curious as to what level you climbed the r&f ladder while in the org, or if you still are in.. did you regular pioneer, or auxiliary pioneer?
Probably being a Bethelite was the thing that could've given me the most gold stars if I'd have wanted it. Much to everyones bewilderment, I turned down every invitation to get on the platform and tell my "experience". I avioded telling anyone I was at Bethel because they expected so much from you...profound comments, exemplarly behavior, walking on water etc.
Of All of The Automobils You Have Ever Owned Which One Was Your Favorite?
by Was New Boy inthey say the average person will own about 25 cars in their life time.. from 1982 to 1988 i owned a 1971 dodge challenger convertible.
it had a 340 with a 4 speed stick.
i loved that car.. i didnt cry when my wife left me....i did cry when that car drove out of my life!.
Wish I knew how to attach a photo of my favorite car....the photo bucket method dosen't work for me.
Last Supper Was a Day Earlier- Scientist Claims
by exwhyzee inhttp://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20110418/wl_uk_afp/britainreligionchristianseaster.
Am I mistaken or are these stupid mistakes on watchtower.org?
by WontLeave inam i the only one who notices a couple of problems with this?.
first of all, passover is on 15 nisan, not 14.. the sheep should prove to be sound, a male, a year old, for you.
you may pick from the young rams or from the goats.
what about the statement in one of last years study artcle that evidently Jesus did not partake that. to me since he also must celabrate the passover and that he is instituting something that he and his apostles would be part of he must have partook?
It would make sense that he didn't partake. Why he would need to "ymbolically" consume his own blood/body or take advantage of his own sacrafice the same as his apostles would ?
Am I mistaken or are these stupid mistakes on watchtower.org?
by WontLeave inam i the only one who notices a couple of problems with this?.
first of all, passover is on 15 nisan, not 14.. the sheep should prove to be sound, a male, a year old, for you.
you may pick from the young rams or from the goats.
Thanks CL...do you know if they try to explain why they say that Judas left beforehand ? It seems so obvious that he was there....they must have a good explainaton or else they really messed up. I mean this is their one big celebation...if they missed this detail...what else did they get wrong?
Am I mistaken or are these stupid mistakes on watchtower.org?
by WontLeave inam i the only one who notices a couple of problems with this?.
first of all, passover is on 15 nisan, not 14.. the sheep should prove to be sound, a male, a year old, for you.
you may pick from the young rams or from the goats.
WontLeave Can you tell us which publication it is you have shown in your original post? Are there other publications that also state that Judas left before the bread and wine were passed around ? Hopefully there are some recent publications that show this otherwise they'll excuse this and old light.
Thanks !
I wold have been tempted to start singing the chorus to the kingdom song "Loves Excelling Way"
or perhaps something more familiar to the rest of the shoppers.