They are often nervous as well. They expect you to be fact it shows how highly important the process is to you. Remember, they want to find someone to help them and they want you to do well. Being able to give clear well thought out answers despite your nervousness says a lot about you. Remember not to answer to quickly. Pause (not too long) and think about the question before answering.
JoinedPosts by exwhyzee
Job interview tips
by d ini have a job interview tommrow.
i have looked on career builder and talked to my college career counselor.i some extra last minute pointers i feel a little nervous for my interview..
Job interview tips
by d ini have a job interview tommrow.
i have looked on career builder and talked to my college career counselor.i some extra last minute pointers i feel a little nervous for my interview..
I have been involved in many interviews from both sides of the table. It seems that quite often, ones qualifications are secondary to how well one comes across as someone they would like to work with even if it meant they'd have to train you a little.
Don't make them drag answers out of you. Do some research of the Company and of the position you are applying for so that you can use this information to better understand what they are looking for in a candidate and to explain to them why you would be the right choice. It can be helpful to weave this information into your interview. For instance if you find out that the company has recently become involved with shipping hazerdous waste materials, you could mention that although the position you are applying for is primarily clerical, you are quite familiar with local regulations regarding the shipment of hazardous waste and have attended 88 hours of State sponsored training seminars on the subject. Or Later at the end of the interview when they typically ask you if you have any questions, you could say " I read online that you will be shipping xyz chemical to the recycling plant in Ohio, and I wondered if my Haz Mat certicication and experience with State shipping forms would be relative to my duties.
If you have to give a "no" answer, replace it with a positive alternative. Q. Have you ever been a Project Manager? "No, not offically, however I was responsible for monitoring the progress of several "in house" projects, which involved record keeping, quality control and scheduling etc."
When you answer yes to a question, follow the answer up with an example. Q. Have you you ever been a supervisor? " Yes, in fact I currently supervise 3 full time employees and 2 seasonal workers. Each of them report directly to me and I was heavily involved in their hiring process.
Don't be too grim...look for a way to make them chuckle (if appropriate) and remember you. When being introduced to the last interview panel I was in front of, prompted by a comment one of the interviewers made, I said with a mock British Accent "Take it easy on me today folks...I bruise as easily as a peach, don't you know" ( you had to be worked in that situation, everyone laughed. P.S. I got the job even though I don't have an Engineering Degree. I found out later that even though my qualifications didn't quite match what they had in mind, my experience did...they liked my interview and thought I'd fit in well with the organization. 4years later I'm still hanging in there despite cutbacks etc)
New Curcuit Overseer Brainwash Talk....Obey the Slave even if you find a serious Flaw in JW Doctrine
by foolsparadise in
brainwashing at its best here.
There is a big difference between people not understanding Jesus illustrations simply because they didn't want to understand them , as opposed to those questioning the teachings of a man made religious organization that they've seen for themselves be wrong time and time again.
Will there even be a paradise ???
How the Watchtower MELTDOWN fits in the stream of time
by Terry infrom puritan times there was an urge to expand the kingdom of god on earth by creating as many communities of christians as possible.. this was to be done by setting a "pure" example of utopian harmony.
a "shining city on a hill" with a beacon of light for all nations to see.. perfectionism and personality development was key.. .
it was to be christianity by example!.
You have put into words so well, what I have thought for so long. The following quotes stood out to me especially.
As it was, Kingdom Halls were havens of misfits in the eyes of the community, the state and the mainstream christian milieu.
As many people who are lost from disfellowshiping,fading, inactivity, topor and death, are replaced with interested persons who are so new,so naive, so unaware of the past , they are easily molded into TRUE BELIEVERS.
I remember the days when the "Old Guard" was in charge. Even as a little kid I noticed how odd they were and how embarrasingly weird so many of Witnesses were. The cast of Characters that attended my Hall as a kid was unbelievable.
It seems like over the years, the Org has lost the main thing that fueled their sense of purpose, "Martyrdom" and the influx of new converts to prove they are on the right track. After 30 years in the same Congregation, seeing it split several times and become several new ones, you realize that the growth is coming from "Born in's " who managed to stick with it, marry and have children and moved into the area. There were no new ones from the 'World" being brought in at all.
Because of the Internet and general osmosis, I think that JW's will overtime become just another mainstream religion that nobody notices.
What's your favorite Canadian band?
by lepermessiah insince we have a lot of canadian friends on this board, i have to ask - who are your favorite canadian bands?.
mine is rush.
they have been one of my favorite bands ever since i can remember.. they totally rule........the music and lyrics are all top notch.. the other one is the tea party - jeff martin is a genius.
A pretty dated sound now but it was good back in the day.
Ooops left food out last night...
by sinis inand my spouse is pissed... anyways, we slow boiled chicken to make soup and it was finished last night.
i could not find room in thr frig so i left it out... the good news is our house was around 55-60 degrees all day and night.
is it safe to eat if reheated?
Elders refuse to give evidence of a molester and the molester gets away with it!
by punkofnice inthis is the first part where the eldubs refuse to do the honourable thing.
...and here is the even sadder conclusion........
She advised me to do the same, only this time, I should dismiss what the society says that doesn't agree with my own conscience and my own understanding of the Bible
I told her that this might work for awhile, but sooner or later you'd need to be prepared for them to try and enforce some rule or other. It seems like this religion, rather than being a way to seek Bible Knowledge and guidence and apply it as you see fit, is enabling imperfect men to monitor your personal life, intervene in your relationship with God and punish you for not doing things their way. How could I be expected to go in Service and honestly recommend something to the public that I don't agree with?
Elders refuse to give evidence of a molester and the molester gets away with it!
by punkofnice inthis is the first part where the eldubs refuse to do the honourable thing.
...and here is the even sadder conclusion........
I had never heard of any of these unreported molestations/domestic violence issues until I left the Org and read all about it on here. Last weekend on of my "still in" siblings was visiting from out of town. Not having their own car, I was asked to drop them off at a JW gathering. Everyone I knew there, wanted to know what Hall I was attending now. I finally had to just tell them outright that I'm not going anymore ,and you could have heard a pin drop. Later, a very nice older Sister who had been raised a JW, told me that she had left also for about 10 years but had returned after she realized how out of place she was in the "World" and because of the recent world conditions. She encouraged me to do the same. I told her my "leaving" story and she was very sympathetic. Apparently she had been married to and Elder for 21 years and he beat her regularly. The other elders wouldn't believe her or do anything about it even though her children backed her up. Then her pre teen daughter was raped by a teenaged Elders Son. They wouldn't let her go to the Police saying she would be disfellowshipped for slander and reproach, if she did. She went along with their counsil but warned them that it would be on their heads if this kid offended again. He did offend again a few years later and this time wound up in jail. She divorced her husband and it came out later that he too had been guilty of violent behavior. She had been vindicated, but she was so angry that she had been let down by J's organization that she left altogether until she returned a few years ago. She advised me to do the same, only this time, I should dismiss what the society says that doesn't agree with my own conscience and my own understanding of the Bible, saying "this is no time to take any chances because the end is so near".
Things have changed since I last went from door to door !
by exwhyzee ingood point moshe....didn't even think of that !
i figured those two were all about publicity...but better not take any chances !.
there's a differencce between privacy while on a public street and in being an imposter in someone's car group while they are engaging in what they consider part of their worship to god.. .
Good point Moshe....didn't even think of that ! I figured those two were all about publicity...but better not take any chances !
P.S. There's a differencce between privacy while on a public street and in being an imposter in someone's car group while they are engaging in what they consider part of their worship to God.
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