This movie had to have been done by someone who was a former Witness. Did you notice the little background details? They even had one of the societies calanders on the wall in a few scenes.
JoinedPosts by exwhyzee
Worlds Apart movie on SBS1 @ 10:05 ...25 / 5 / 11
by smiddy infor those who have missed the danish movie about a" coming of age" witness girl and her subsequent problems that follow,the movie will be shown this coming wednesday night on victorian tv aust.. if you haven`t seen it i would recommend it.
it really hits home about the shunning of baptized family members.
If Men Could Menstruate
by mrsjones5 inif men could menstruateby gloria steinem.
a white minority of the world has spent centuries conning us into thinking that a white skin makes people superior - even though the only thing it really does is make the more subject to ultraviolet rays and to wrinkles.
male human beings have built whole cultures around the idea that penis envy is "natural" to women - though having such an unprotected organ might be said to make men vulnerable, and the power to give birth makes womb envy at least as short, the characteristics of the powerful, whatever they may be, are thought to be better than the characteristics of the powerless - and logic has nothing to do with it.what would happen, for instance, if suddenly, magically, men could menstruate and women could not?the answer is clear - menstruation would become an enviable, boast-worthy, masculine event:men would brag about how long and how much.boys would mark the onset of menses, that longed-for proof of manhood, with religious ritual and stag parties.congress would fund a national institute of dysmenorrhea to help stamp out monthly discomforts.sanitary supplies would be federally funded and free.
You complaining cuz you couldn't get none when your woman was on the rag? Oh poor baby
Where did that come from??? Actually my wife is one of the few lucky women I've known who is her normal good natured self no matter what time of the month it is. Never takes it out on me if she isn't feeling well or any other time for that matter. I can usually tell when its her time because she looks a little pale or seems a little tired.
I wasn't complaining at all, just noting that it's pretty likely that men will always be resented by SOME women...peroid or no period. Some women are more vocal about things. Most men don't sit around on talk shows or write articles complaining about women or trying to make them be different or make them over with diffrent cloths and makeup. They do that to themselves and when they get bored with that, they turn on men. We just go on about our business, appreciate the ones that are nice to us and try to work around the others as best we can.
If Men Could Menstruate
by mrsjones5 inif men could menstruateby gloria steinem.
a white minority of the world has spent centuries conning us into thinking that a white skin makes people superior - even though the only thing it really does is make the more subject to ultraviolet rays and to wrinkles.
male human beings have built whole cultures around the idea that penis envy is "natural" to women - though having such an unprotected organ might be said to make men vulnerable, and the power to give birth makes womb envy at least as short, the characteristics of the powerful, whatever they may be, are thought to be better than the characteristics of the powerless - and logic has nothing to do with it.what would happen, for instance, if suddenly, magically, men could menstruate and women could not?the answer is clear - menstruation would become an enviable, boast-worthy, masculine event:men would brag about how long and how much.boys would mark the onset of menses, that longed-for proof of manhood, with religious ritual and stag parties.congress would fund a national institute of dysmenorrhea to help stamp out monthly discomforts.sanitary supplies would be federally funded and free.
If men could menstruate, they'd likely deal with it...keep it to themselves without having to talk about it and hold it over women's heads as if it were their fault menstruation existed. They'd probably use the time to invent something to make it easier to deal with or go away temporarily...oh wait....they already did that !
If men could menstruate, they'd also be able to get pregnant and there'd still be those women who would go on Oprah and accuse men of being controling by hogging all the joy's of bearing children and they'd probably critisize them for leaving their maternity leisure suits on the floor or for wearing the wrong colored necktie.
Which posters are male and which are female? Am I getting it wrong?
by Lozhasleft inthis is baffling me...someone suggested a day or so ago that outlaw is female?
and what about bandontherun ?
is that a lady too?.
My red lipstick and pancake make-up may have thrown you off but I'm really a dude !
Is Armageddon a REAL EVENT to the GB like 9/11 is to the rest of us?
by Terry inall of us are aware of the startling and terrifying events of 2001, or 9/11 as it is commonly termed.. airplanes were hijacked and flown into the world trade center killing over a thousand innocent people.. this experience is vivid enough in our memory and consciousness so that it can serve as a significant illustration of what follows.. .
now i want you to imagine that you and a group of your friends received ironclad evidence ahead of the 9/11 event.
the evidence is from.
I think most JW's believe that they should believe it's a real event. To get them to beleive that they should believe the world will end, they had to first be convinced that mankind is so flawed and that our problems are so big, that we can't possibly solve them and we will eventually annihilate ourselves. They also had to be convinced that there is a higher power for good or that we have a real purpose for being here and we should hope for a brighter future where everything will be OK. Believing that there will eventually be a "cosmic correction" of some sort, brought on by that higher power, helps them live with the two conflicting beliefs. When end of the world predictions don't come true, they simply pass it off as their own misinterpretation of reliable, true and correct information and begin looking for further indications of the correctness of the original belief. Back in the 1980's my mom would come in from service exhausted. She'd say. "Michael Jackson can make one video"THRILLER" and overnight the whole world knows about it. Why are we still knocking on doors year after year only to run into people who still have never even heard of us?" I used to hear the Elders give moving talks about the end being just around the corner and after the meeting hear their kids talking about the vacation to Hawaii they were going on. I'd ask my Mom about this and she'd say "well....I suppose we need to be balanced....people do need a break"
Your best one sentence JW comeback contest
by moshe ini am looking for your best jw comeback- the kind that makes a jw's jaw drop.
ok, even two pithy sentences will do.. here's one i have used before on jws,.
moshe: " do you know what an oxymoron is?
If God is backing you and his spirit is more powerful than Satan's why are there so few JW's compared to the Bilions of earths inhabitants?
In the Bible, people got Babptized after hearing Jesus speak, why do JW's have to study certain publications and answer a number of questions before they can be baptized?
What Song Best Describes Where Your Life is Right Now?
by Morbidzbaby inself-explanatory title lol.
just curious what songs each of us identify with when it comes to where we are in life.
i think music is a great form of expression and sometimes someone else can sing it better than you can say it, know what i mean?
Now that our kids are grown and the JW friends we spent years getting to know are gone, this song sort of wraps up the feeling of wanting to start over somewhere we won't be reminded of the losses, instead be excited about the new experiences ahead.
The Rapture Is Taught In the Bible
by snowbird in1 thessalonians 4:15 -17 and then this: we can tell you with complete confidencewe have the master's word on itthat when the master comes again to get us, those of us who are still alive will not get a jump on the dead and leave them behind.
in actual fact, they'll be ahead of us.
the master himself will give the command.
Matthew 24:40 " and two men will be working together in the field, one will be taken and one will be left"
The rapture came a day early for Randy Macho Man Savage while he was driving down the highway...luckily his wife survived the crash.
I feel like a giant idiot...
by MrFreeze inhere the end of the world is tomorrow and i went and forgot and only bought cheap beer for tonight.
sometimes, i think i'm the biggest idiot in the world..
and what does one wear, to the end of the world ?
Jehovah's witness meetings are NOT BORING......
by punkofnice in...i was told but they usually were as i look back.. as a lad i'd sit and look to see who the lights would fall on.
i'd get an almond and see how long i could suck it before i chewed at it.
i'd imagine playing rock'n'roll on the congregation's piano.. how did you get through the meetings when you were bored?.
I agee with White dove, the detailed Malawi torture stories were too much for children to hear. But they did get your attention. I remember them telling about a Sister who had her newborn baby snatched out of her arms and swung by the feet, head first into a tree because she wouldn't buy a political card. I just knew this was going to happen to my baby sister and it would be because I wouldn't renounce Jehovah or some such nonsense.
Looking back, I realize I developed certain coping mechanisims. To be able to handle the boredom and fearful armegeddon talk, I developed an ability to shut my mind off at will and take myself elsewhere as soon as I heard certain key words or phrases. "Certainly Brothers....This would behoooove out the oppertune time... a study was started...truly a spiritual paradise....the tested quality of our more than the usual attention etc." Survival was dependant on ones ability to look like you were listening while counting ceiling tiles and or the little holes in the ceiling tiles, multiplying and dividing them by the numbers 144,000 or 607. I concentrated better while drawing huge sideburns, mustaches and platform shoes on the men in the Watchtower or giant hair-do's and beauty marks on the women. I'd find myself compulsively looking ahead in the Watchtower or the assembly program as if I was interested when really I wanted to see how many paragraphs or talks were left until the intermission. During the 8 day assemblies, I'd be almost suicidal by 6:00 PM of the first day when I'd realize there were 3 hours and 7 more days of sitting in the blazing sun on bleachers left. Sometimes we used to mark down how many times you heard them say Jesus or Jehovah but that only lasted about 15 minutes. I'd feel guilty and promise myself to pay more attention at the next talk but I could only hold out for a few scriptures before I started searching the crowd for friends or weird people or even wondering what it would be like to swing by a trapeze from the stadium ceiling. It was always an extra bonus when a bird would have flown inside so all the kids could watch it swoop around looked so wonderful. Sometimes I'd perk up during the experiences because for one thing, it would be a break from the monotone echoing voice of the speaker and because there would be the hope that they'd flub their lines or say something I could relate to. One time they were talking about a brother in some far flung country that was wheelchair bound but was praying that Jehovah would make it possible for him to pioneer. I was expecting that he would somehow by some miracle, end up being able to walk. Instead, his prayers were answered when he woke up one morning to find a brand new set of tires on his wheelchair. I couldn't believe tires !
We'd be so happy when they'd show slides or a movie instead of a talk on Sunday. Even this movie was a welcome change
The funny thing was, I did hear what they were saying and could even answer the questions we got during the society sanctioned pop quiz we'd get on the way home.